
Service Record Monitoring System for Constituted Cadre (WBAAS)

Finance, , 👁️ 394

Finance Department has developed a Web Based Version of Service Record Monitoring System for Constituted Cadre officers of West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service (WBA&AS).

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch, WBA&AS Cell
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700001

No. 3073-F(Y)/WB Dated: 22.05.2015


Finance Department has developed a Web Based Version of “Service Record Monitoring System” for Constituted Cadre officers of West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service (WBA&AS) under URL http://wbaasprofile.gov.in.

Implementation of SRMS application/portal would call for substantial reengineering of the workflow pattern, processes, methods etc. hitherto adopted and followed by Service Record Cell, Group T, and Finance Department in discharge of its routine functions in phased manner. Once operational, SRMS would encapsulate each and every aspect of service related issues of WBA&AS officers starting from online leave sanction, increment order generation to processing of pension papers along with a host of other features and services. It is therefore imperative that existence of comprehensive database in respect of WBA&AS officers enveloping all essential information is necessary for proper functioning of SRMS portal.

2. Accordingly, all officers of WBA&AS cadre are hereby directed to provide correct and up-to-date information online against each and every item mentioned therein by accessing the SRMS application under the URL http://wbaasprofile.gov.in with effect from 01.06.2015.

3. The Login ID of the officer is the General Provident Fund Account No. and the default password is NIC123 (Refer User Manual for details). They are advised to change the password after first login.

4. Information should be mandatorily provided by 15.06.2015.

5. For any assistance in this regard Shri Avik Roy, Nodal Officer, SRMS Cell (Tel No. 2214 1372, Email Id srmscell.fin-wb@gov.in) may be contacted.

6. All WBA&AS officers are directed to ensure strict compliance accordingly.

Enclo: User Manual & FAQs.

Sd/- H K Dwivedi
Principal Secretary
Govt. of West Bengal

No. 3073-F dated 22.05.2015, Source

About “Service Record Monitoring System” (SRMS):

The periphery of work of the Finance Department Group-“T” (Service Record Cell) the Computerized Establishment Branch of WBA&AS Officers, cover the following activities:-

  1. The cell opens and maintains the Service Books are records therein various service matter of the officers under WBA&AS cadre.
  2. Issues leave-sanctioning orders for E.L/ Commuted Leave etc. (except Casual Leaves).
  3. Issues Pay-fixation Orders/ Increments Orders and deal with all pay matters.
  4. Issues Admit cards In Connection with Half-Yearly Departmental Examinations.
  5. Deal with foreign Service Contribution towards the cost of pension and leave salary or issues the exemption order thereof.
  6. Opening of G.P.F Account in the A.G.W.B and filing of nomination over G.P.F Accounts/G.I.S.S/Pension and death gratuity.
  7. Records basic data in respect of WBA&AS Officers in the Computers.
  8. Processing of pension and other death-cum-retirement benefits.
  9. Gives identity Cards issued by The Home Department.
  10. Records the service verification certificates in the service books.

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