
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on Feeding Stray or Street Dogs

Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Urban Development and Municipal Affairs,

Every person may show compassion, love and affection towards animals in any form whatsoever including feeding of street or stray dogs.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Urban Development and Municipal Affairs
“NAGARAYAN”, 6th Floor,
DF – 8, Sector – I, Salt Lake, Kolkata -700 064


No. 658/UDMA-15011(11)/428/2024-LS-MA SEC Dated, Kolkata, the 25th November, 2024

WHEREAS, it has been observed that animal lovers or activists are showing compassion for community dogs (stray or street dogs) by feeding them and providing them veterinary and other support and occurrence of conflicts between the caregivers or feeders of the community dogs (stray or street dogs) and other individuals or members of the society on feeding stray dogs in the public street have also been reported to this Department;

AND WHEREAS, Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta, in WPA 24705 of 2024 in the case of Arnab Chakraborty -Vs – The State of West Bengal & Ors, has directed that the manner in which the Kolkata Municipal Corporation has dealt with for fixing the location in respect of feeding of stray dogs may be extended to rest of the municipalities within the State of West Bengal;

AND WHEREAS Kolkata Municipal Corporation has framed a Standard Operating Procedure for feeding the Community dogs (stray or street dogs) within the jurisdiction of the Corporation vide their office order No. H/00/14/2024-2025, dated: 11.05.2024;

AND WHEREAS, it has been felt necessary to frame a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on specific measures that are needed to be taken by the caregivers or feeders of the community dogs (stray or street dogs) and other individuals or members of the society during feeding stray dogs in municipal areas of West Bengal;

NOW THEREFORE, the Department of Urban Development and Municipal Affairs hereby introduces the following Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on specific measures that are needed to be taken by the caregivers or feeders of the community dogs (stray or street dogs) and other individuals or members of the society during feeding stray dogs in Urban Local Bodies of West Bengal (other than Kolkata Municipal Corporation):-

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)


Every person may show compassion, love and affection towards animals in any form whatsoever including feeding of street or stray dogs. This inherent or natural behaviour of a person to love or show kindness or feed animals may not be restricted so long and till such time the said acts do not cause any harm, hindrance, harassment and nuisance to other individuals or members of the society.

Animals too have a right to be treated with compassion, respect and dignity. In fact, it is the responsibility of the State, all authorities and bodies including each and every citizen to ensure protection of animals against pain and suffering – ensure (a) freedom from hunger, thirst and malnutrition; (b) freedom from fear and distress; (c) freedom from physical or thermal discomfort; (d) freedom from pain, injury and disease; and (e) freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour.

Community dogs (stray or street dogs) have the right to food and citizens may feed community dogs but in exercising this right, care and caution should be taken to ensure that it does not impinge upon the rights of others or cause any harm, hindrance, harassment and nuisance to other individuals or members of the society.

Measures to be taken by the Urban Local Bodies:-

Municipal Corporation or Municipality or Notified Area Authority will suitably earmark some area or areas in every ward as “designated areas” for caregivers or feeders to feed the community dogs. The “designated areas” should not be adjacent to the areas in which children play, or people take walks, or that are otherwise crowded. The “designated areas” should be located in such a manner that do not compromise the standard width of any road or footpath and avoiding point of ingress/ egress, frontage of any individual house and/or building and/or shop etc.

Timing for feeding community dogs:-

Feeding of the community dogs has to be done only at “designated areas” within a “specific time period” in two slots that may be – once in the morning i.e. before 7 A.M. and once in the evening i.e. after 7 P.M. for a minimum of 2 hours each, as specified by the Municipal Corporation or Municipality or Notified Area Authority.

Guidelines for caregivers or feeders of the community dogs (stray or street dogs):-

The caregivers or feeders of the community dogs (stray or street dogs) are advised to feed community dog or dogs within the designated area following the time period specified by the Municipal Corporation or Municipality or Notified Area Authority observing the conditions of the SOP. Moreover, feeding must not be done in a manner that contributes to littering, or dirtying any feeding site. The caregivers or feeders of the community dogs (stray or street dogs) are also advised to clean up feeding sites after feeding is over for maintaining hygiene.

Prohibition to feed elsewhere other than “designated areas”:-

Feeding community dogs (stray or street dogs) beyond the designated area specified by the Municipal Corporation or Municipality or Notified Area Authority may attract the provision of punishment for depositing or throwing any solid waste in contravention of extant laws, referred to in section 272 of the West Bengal Municipal Act, 1993 or section 188K of the Howrah Municipal Corporation Act, 1980 or section 300k of the West Bengal Municipal Corporation Act, 2006, as the case may be.

Guidelines for any person other than a caregiver:

No one can prohibit or harass or resist any caregiver who is feeding community dog or dogs following the manner and conditions as specified in the SOP.

Foods one should feed to stray dogs
(Reference : office order No. H/00/14/2024-2025, dated: 11.05.2024 of Kolkata Municipal Corporation):-

When stray dogs are hungry, they will eat anything, but this puts them at a higher risk of poor hygiene. Below are some foods for feeding stray dogs by the caregiver or community dog feeder.

Roti, rice, boiling potatoes, vegetable oil/ghee: A common human diet is also a good source of nourishment for dogs. The easiest and most substantial meal a caregiver or community dog feeder can give stray dogs is a mixture of soft-cooked rice, chappati, small chunks of boiled potatoes and a small amount of vegetable oil or ghee in water.

Throwaway meat parts: Cuts not ordinarily consumed by humans, such as chicken feet, goat lungs and other fish parts, thrown away like garbage by local butchers can be used to feed the stray dogs in the designated areas. Cuts need to be cooked correctly for puppies and older dogs. The correctly cooked cuts can be combined with rice and served as a high-protein meal. In addition, the dog gets the bone.

Adding Haldi (turmeric): Adding pinch of Haldi (turmeric) to the rice provides stray dogs with a mouthwatering meal.

Store-bought dog food: Canned dog food and packed meals either soaked in water or with boiled rice, is another option for stray dogs

Water: Arrangement for sufficient water in clean water bowls at designated places.

Foods to be avoided for feeding stray dogs:-

Chocolate: As the chocolate contains the chemical theobromine that is beneficial to humans, but extremenly detrimental to dogs. Theobromine content in chocolates cause a significant increase in blood pressure in dogs, which could lead to the failure of many essential organs including the nervous system.

Caffeine: As caffeine has qualities comparable to those found in chocolate, it is recommended to keep it out of reach of dogs.

Dairy items: Digestive system of dogs is not suited to break down the fat found in dairy products for which dogs are lactose intolerant. So, offering milk or cheesy foods to dogs which could cause difficulties like vomiting and diarrhea, should be avoided.

Sweetened snacks: Sweetened snacks contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener commonly found in cookies, candies, and chewing gums might cause life-threatening consequences like acute liver disease and blood clotting issues. Giving such treats to Community dogs (Street or stray) should be avoided.

Onions and garlic: Avoid to offer foods with onion and garlic mixtures, which when taken by dogs can cause stomach irritation and, in severe situations, red blood cell destruction.

Alcohol: This is self-evident. Do not give even the tiniest amount of alcohol to stray dogs.

Berries: Grapes, cherries, and raisins contain the artificial sweetener xylitol and are harmful like sweetened snacks.

Use biodegradable/ disposable cutlery:-

Disposable plates are best used to serve the stray dogs which should be disposed of in the nearby trash can. Alternatively any paper including newspaper pieces can be used for dog feeding.

Growing Public Awareness:-

The Urban Local Bodies should take necessary measures for wide circulation of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for growing public awareness regarding the designated areas and timing for feeding Community dogs (stray or street dogs) and other protocols as stated above.

Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 658-UDMA dated 25.11.2024, Source

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