A government employee, after fixation of pay in the revised pay structure under the ROPA, 2019, reaching the last Cell (maximum Pay) of the applicable Level of the Pay Matrix shall be allowed annual increment for stagnation.
No. 760-F(P1)/FA/O/2M/134/19(N.B.)Pt. Dated, Howrah, the 17th February, 2020.
It has come to the notice of the Government that after fixation of pay in the revised pay structure under the W.B.S. (R.O.P.A.) Rules, 2019, very few government employees are found to reach the last Cell (maximum Pay) of the particular Pay Level beyond which no further increment is admissible to them. The question of allowing stagnation increment(s) in such cases has been under consideration of the Government for sometime past.
After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to direct that a government employee, after fixation of pay in the revised pay structure under the W.B.S. (R.O.P.A.) Rules, 2019, reaching the last Cell (maximum Pay) of the applicable Level of the Pay Matrix shall be allowed annual increment for stagnation beyond the last Cell of the particular Level in the Pay Matrix at the same amount at which it was last drawn subject to a maximum of 6 (six) such increments provided that the pay on allowing such increment(s) in no case shall exceed Rs. 2,01,000/-.
Necessary amendments in the W.B.S. (R.O.P.A.) Rules, 2019 shall be made in due course.
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal