
Standard Grant in Aid Sanction Order, 2010-11

Finance, 👁ī¸ 236

A standard Grant-in-Aid sanction order has been prepared and this changed format will be introduced w.e.f. 01.10.2010 i.e. beginning from the 3rd quarter of the financial year.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 7752-F(Y) Dated: 21.07.2010

In order to make the financial reporting more transparent on the lines of the recommendation of the Finance Commission and the Planning Commission, the CAG of India has proposed to bring about major changes in the existing format of the Finance Accounts of the State.

Now, as per suggestion of the Pr. A.G.(A&E), W.B. a standard Grant-in-Aid sanction order has been prepared and this changed format will be introduced w.e.f. 01.10.2010 i.e. beginning from the 3rd quarter of the financial year (copy of the changed format for sanctioning of Grant-in-Aid is attached).

Sd/- A.K. Chakraborty
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 7752-F dated 21.07.2010

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