Station Leave Permission before Commencement of Journey
Station Leave Permission will not be entertained unless the application for the same is received at least 7 (seven) clear working days prior to the date of commencement of the journey.
Station Leave Permission will not be entertained unless the application for the same is received at least 7 (seven) clear working days prior to the date of commencement of the journey.
Government of West Bengal
Finance [Audit] Department, 10th floor
325, S.Chatterjee Road, Howrah – 711 102
No. 2494-F(H) Dated: 25.04.19.
It is being observed for some time past that this Department has been receiving applications seeking station leave permission at the last moment with the hope to get it processed on that very day of preferring such application, making it difficult to scrutinise and process the matters properly.
With a view to facilitate smooth processing of the applications and grant of such station leaving permission well before the commencement of the journey, it has been decided that no such case will be entertained unless the same is received at this end at least 7 [seven] clear working days prior to the date of commencement of the journey, except in acute emergency situations subject to the satisfaction of the competent authority of this Department.
All concerned are being informed accordingly.
Sd/- S.K. Ram
Special Secretary
Government of West Bengal
No. 2494-F dated 25.04.2019, Source
None found