Transport, Auto Rickshaw , Taxi
To look into different aspects of social security measures etc. for the taxi drivers, auto-rickshaw drivers and their families to the extent they do not overlap the areas looked after by other statutory and administrative bodies;
Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhawan
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 001
No. 1718-WT/3M-25/2012 (Pt-I) Date: 11.05.2015
The question of formation of an appropriate mechanism to attend to the issues emanating from the grievances of the Taxi drivers and Auto Rickshaw drivers in the matter of enforcement of regulatory measures within the framework of existing law and Rules as well as different aspects of social security for them and the members of their family(ies) have been under consideration of the Government for some time past. Now, after careful consideration of the matter it has been decided to constitute a Steering Committee in the following manner:
Steering Committee
1. Shri Subrata Mukherjee, Minister-in-charge, Panchayat & Rural Development Department and Public Health Engineering Department | Chairman |
2. Janab Firhad Hakim, Minister-in-charge, Urban Development and Municipal Affairs Departments | Member |
3. Shri Aroop Biswas, Minister-in-charge, Youth Welfare and Housing Departments | Member |
4. Chief Secretary, Government of West Bengal | Member |
5. Principal Secretary, Transport Department | Member |
6. Commissioner of Police, Kolkata | Member |
7. Secretary, Labour Department | Member |
Terms of Reference of the Committee
(1) To attend to the enforcement – related grievances, Rules and Regulations on operation of taxis, autorickshaws etc.;
(2) To look into different aspects of social security measures etc. for the taxi drivers, auto-rickshaw drivers and their families to the extent they do not overlap the areas looked after by other statutory and administrative bodies;
The Committee will devise the modalities of its functioning and meet at least once in a quarter.
The Committee will make necessary recommendations to the respective department/ instrumentalities of the Government to appropriately deal with the relevant issues within the legal framework.
This comes into force with immediate effect.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- Chief Secretary, West Bengal