All the Heads of Offices will have to send a list of subscribers who are going to retire in the next twelve months to the Office of the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 9939-F, Dated: 22.12.2008.
Sub: A few steps to streamline the GPF Works.
The undersigned is directed to request all the Heads of offices under the State Govt. and the subscribers to the General Provident Fund to adhere to the following procedures with immediate effect to streamline the GPF-works.
All the Heads of Offices will have to send a list of subscribers who are going to retire in the next twelve months to the Office of the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal.
2. a. All the subscribers who will apply for refundable/non-refundable GPF-advances will have to submit an attested copy of the last statement of GPF-Account issued by the Office of the AG (A&E), W.B. along with their applications.
b. All the Sanctioning Authorities and the Drawing and Disbursing Officers will have to send the attested copy of the last GPF statements alongwith sanction Orders and bills to the Fay & Accounts Offices/Treasuries. Then the Pay & Accounts Offices/Treasuries will send the debit vouchers alongwith the attested copy of last GPF-statements to the Office of the AG (A&E), W.B.
Sd/- C. Bandyopadhyay
Joint secretary to the
Government of west Bengal
Finance Department