
Stipulated Time Limit for rendering Services by Home and Hill Affairs

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Governor is pleased to notify the services pertaining to the Home and Hill Affairs Department including W.B. Police Directorate & Kolkata Police Commissionerate under control of the Home and Hill Affairs Department along with the stipulated time limit for rendering the services.

HOWRAH – 711 102

No. 31-P(PG)/2P(RTPSA)-01/2020 Dated: 03.03.2020


In exercise of power conferred hv sub-section (2) of section 3 of the West Bengal Right to Public Services Act, 2013 the Governor is pleased to notify the services pertaining to the Home and Hill Affairs Department including W.B. Police Directorate & Kolkata Police Commissionerate under control of the Home and Hill Affairs Department along with the stipulated time limit for rendering the services, the Designated Officer(s) responsible for providing the services, the Appellate Officer(s) and the Reviewing Officer(s) as mentioned below:-

Sl No.ServicesDesignated officerStipulated time limitAppellate officerReviewing officer
DesignationStipulated time limitDesignationStipulated time limit
AForeigners Branch
A.1Issuance of ‘No Obligation to Return to India’ certificate to the Indians who now reside in the USA and Canada for study purpose or employment purpose.Assistant Secretary(i) 7 working days for forwarding of application to concerned Police Authority/ Government of India. (ii) 7 working days from receipt of favourable report from concerned Police Authority. (iii) Kolkata Police will take 7 working days and West Bengal Police will take 20 working days to submit their report.Deputy Secretary2 working daysJoint Secretary/ Addl. Secretary2 working days
A.2Police Verification Reports in respect of Indians staying abroad (on the request of the Consulate Generals of India located in various countries).Assistant Secretary(i) 7 working days for forwarding of application to concerned Police Authority/ Government of India. (ii) 7 working days from receipt of favourable report from concerned Police Authority. (iii) Kolkata Police will take 7 working days and West Bengal Police will take 20 working days to submit their report.Deputy Secretary2 working daysJoint Secretary/ Addl. Secretary2 working days
A.3Authentication of various documents.Assistant Secretary(i) 7 working days for forwarding of application to the Certificate Issuing Authority. (ii) 1 working day from receipt of favourable report there from.Deputy Secretary1 working daysJoint Secretary/ Addl. Secretary1 working days
A.4Issuance of ‘No Objection’ for release of dead body of foreigners who die in West Bengal for repatriation of dead body to his/ her country.Assistant SecretaryDeputy SecretarySame dayJoint Secretary/ Addl. SecretarySame day
BPolice Establishment Branch
B.1Issue of license under Private Security Agencies Act, 2005.Controlling Authority90 working days after receiving the application with proper documents, subject to receipt of “No Objection” from Police authority.Principal Secretary20 working daysHome Secretary10 working days
Renewal of license under Private Security Agencies Act, 2005.Controlling Authority60 working days after receiving the application with proper documents, subject to receipt of “No Objection” from Police authority.Principal Secretary15 working daysHome Secretary7 working days
CDefence Branch
C.1Sanction of grant-in-aid to veterans or widows of veterans of World War -II.Assistant Secretary20 working days from receipt of proposal from Rajya/ Zilla Sainik Board.Deputy Secretary5 working daysJoint Secretary/ Special Secretary/ Commissioner3 working days
C.2Grant of West Bengal State Scholarship to Cadets of the National Defence Academy, ’ Pune.Assistant Secretary20 working days.Deputy Secretary5 working daysJoint Secretary/ Special Secretary/ Commissioner3 working days
C.3Grant of West Bengal State Scholarship to Cadets of the Rashtriya Indian Military College, Dehradun.Assistant Secretary20 working daysDeputy Secretary5 working daysJoint Secretary/ Special Secretary/ Commissioner3 working days
C.4Grant of incentive to Gallantry awardees of serving personnel of the armed forces.Assistant Secretary20 working daysDeputy Secretary5 working daysJoint Secretary/ Special Secretary/ Commissioner3 working days
C5.Grant to paraplegic patients.Assistant Secretary20 working daysDeputy Secretary5 working daysJoint Secretary/ Special Secretary/ Commissioner3 working days
DWest Bengal Secretariat Library
D.1Supply of records, documents, Manuals etc. to Readers and Research Scholars.Senior Technical Assistant3 working days.Librarian1 working dayJoint Secretary, Home Deptt.1 working day
EPress Branch (Office of the Registrar of Publications)
E.1Supply of records, documents, Manuals etc. to Research Scholars.Registrar of Publications, West Bengal1 working day.Deputy Secretary1 working dayJoint Secretary1 working day
FKolkata Police Directorate
F.1Copy of FIR to the informant.Officer-in-Charge/ Inspector-in-Charge of Police Station24 hours from the time of recording FIR at the Police Station.Assistant Commissioner of Police.Same dayDeputy Commissioner of Police.Same day
F.2Copy of G.D. Entry Nos. Regarding loss of documents, mobile phones etc.Officer-in-Charge/ Inspector-in-Charge of Police StationImmediately after the time of recording information.Assistant Commissioner of PoliceSame dayDeputy Commissioner of Police.Same day
F.3Issuance of New Police License for shops, eating houses, Restaurants, Hotels, Boarding & Lodging Houses etc. (As per Calcutta Police Act, 1866).Administrative Officer, Kolkata Police.30 days – after the receipt of the application with required documents.Joint Commissioner of Police7 working daysAdditional Commissioner of Police3 working days
F.4Renewal of Police License for shops, eating houses, Hotels Boarding & Lodging Houses etc. (As per Calcutta Police Act, 1866).Administrative Officer, Kolkata Police10 days- after the receipt of the application with required documents.Joint Commissioner of Police3 working daysAdditional Commissioner of Police2 working days
F.5Transfer of ownership of shops, eating houses, Hotels, Boarding & Lodging Houses etc. (As per Calcutta Police Act, 1866).Administrative Officer, Kolkata Police.30 days – after the receipt of the application with required documents.Joint Commissioner of Police7 working daysAdditional Commissioner of Police3 working days
F.6Issuance of Police Certificate for F.L. ON/OFF shops, Hotels Restaurant cum Bar, Country Spirit shops, Tari shops etc. (As per Calcutta Police Act, 1866).Administrative Officer, Kolkata Police30 days – after the receipt of the clearance from the Collector of Excise, Kolkata, Govt. of West Bengal.Joint Commissioner of Police4 working daysAdditional Commissioner of Police2 working days
F.7Renewal of Police Certificate for F.L. ON/OFF shops, Hotels with Restaurant cum Bar, Country Spirit shops, Tari Shops etc. (As per Calcutta Police Act, 1866).Administrative Officer, Kolkata Police15 days – after the receipt of the clearance from the Collector of Excise, Kolkata, Govt. of West Bengal.Joint Commissioner of Police4 working daysAdditional Commissioner of Police2 working days
F.8Transfer of ownership of F.L. ON/OFF shops, Hotels with Restaurant cum Bar, Country Spirit shops, Tari Shops etc. (As per Calcutta Police Act, 1866).Administrative Officer, Kolkata Police30 days – after the receipt of the clearance from the Collector of Excise, Kolkata, Govt. of West Bengal.Joint Commissioner of Police4 working daysAdditional Commissioner of Police2 working days
F.9Issuance of the copy of the Post Mortem Report & copy of Inquest Report etc. (As per rule 72, Chapter – IV of the PRC).Administrative Officer, Kolkata police30 days from receipt of the application with required documents subject to availability.Joint Commissioner of Police4 working daysAdditional Commissioner of Police2 working days
F.10.Copy of Final Police Report in case of street accident, theft, fire etc. (As per rule 72, chapter-IV of PRC).Administrative Officer, Kolkata Police10 days – after completion of the investigation.Joint Commissioner of Police3 working daysAdditional Commissioner of Police2 working days
F.11Police clearance for entering Security Zone i.e. Airport, Port etc.Joint Commissioner of Police (Establishment)30 days – from the receipt of application with required documents.Additional Commissioner of Police7 working daysSpecial Commissioner of Police3 working days
F.12Renewal of Cinema Operators License (W.B. Cinemas Regulation Act, 1954 & Relevant Rules, 1956).Administrative Officer, Kolkata Police10 days from receipt of application with required documents.Joint Commissioner of Police3 working daysAdditional Commissioner of Police2 working days
F.13Renewal of Cinema License (W.B. Cinemas Regulation Act, 1954 & Relevant Rules, 1956).Administrative Officer, Kolkata Police30 days – after the receipt of the application with clearance from Fire Services, Electricity, KMC, Agricultural Income Tax (Amusement), Undertaking about approved films.Joint Commissioner of Police7 working daysAdditional Commissioner of Police3 working days
GWest Bengal Police Directorate
G.1Copy of FIR to the informant.Officer-in-Charge/ Inspector-in-Charge of Police Station24 hours from the time of recording FIR at the Police Station/ Investigation Centre/ Beat House.Sub-Divisional Police Officer/ Deputy Superintendent of Police, Assistant Commissioner of Police.Same daySuperintendent of Police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police.Same day
G.2Copy of G.D. Entry Nos. Regarding loss of documents, mobile phones etc.Officer-in-Charge/ Inspector-in-Charge of Police Station/ In-charge of OPs/ TOPs/ Investigation CentreImmediately after the time of recording informationSub-Divisional Police Officer/ Deputy Superintendent of Police, Assistant Commissioner of Police.Same daySuperintendent of Police/ Deputy Commissioner of Police.Same day
G.3Issue of license regarding public assemblies and processions.Sub-Divisional Police Officer/ Deputy Superintendent of Police/ Assistant Commissioner of Police.15 working days from date of receipt of application or 3 days prior to the intended date of such assembly/ procession, whichever is later.Superintendent of Police / Divisional Deputy Commissioner of Police4 working daysRange Deputy Inspector General/ Commissioner of Police.2 working days
G.4Permission for use of Loudspeakers [Only in case of Commissionerate other than Kolkata].Divisional Deputy Commissioner of Police/ Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police10 working days from the date of receipt of application or 3 days prior to intended date of use, whichever is later.Joint Commissioner of Police3 working daysCommissioner of Police2 working days
G.5Permission for Jatra/ Fairs/ Mela/ Exhibition [Only in case of Commissionerate other than Kolkata],Deputy Commissioner of Police10 working days from the receipt of application subject to deposit of prescribed fees/ costs.Joint Commissioner of Police3 working daysCommissioner of Police2 working days
G.6Registration of foreigners.Officer in charge of Foreigners Registration Office1 working dayDeputy Superintendent of Police, DIB/ Assistant Commissioner of Police, Special BranchSame daySuperintendent of Police, DIB/ Deputy Commissioner of Police, Special BranchSame day

This Notification shall come into force on and from the date of publication in the Official Gazette and shall supersede this Department Notification No. 1098/1E-02/14 dated 11.12.2015.

By order of the Governor,

Additional Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Home & Hill Affairs Department

No. 31-P dated 03.03.2020, Source

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