Previously, the Govt. employees were eligible 10/20 years of Career Advancement Scheme. As per modified CAS scheme 8/16/25 years benefit is provided.
Previously, the Govt. employees were eligible 10/20 years of Career Advancement Scheme. As per modified CAS scheme 8/16/25 years benefit is provided.
Applicability of the terms and conditions towards Redesignation & CAS for the teachers, librarians, physical instructors of the Government aided Colleges including erstwhile sponsored colleges in West Bengal.
Officers belonging to West Bengal State Constituted Services in scale no. 16 to move to pre-revised scale no. 19 after completion of 25 years of service.
The benefit of 18 years of continuous service will be admissible to the teaching and non-teaching employees drawing pay in the revised pay structure up to Pay Band No. 3.
The relative seniority between a promotee and a direct recruit shall be determined by the year of appointment or promotion of each in the post, cadre or grade irrespective of the date of joining.
To prevent disparity in pay of senior and junior employees, a provision of protection of pay is present in Rule 55(4) of WBSR. Not applicable for wrong option.
Sub-Assistant Engineer (Elect.) in order to be eligible for promotion, must, interalia, pass a written examination in Departmental Rules and Accounts procedure which will be conducted by the P.S.C., West Bengal.
Pay Scale of Grade – I posts of Fire Operator and Leader under the Department of Fire and Emergency Services have been upgraded from Scale No. 5 to Scale No. 6 and from Scale No. 7 to Scale No. 8.
The 10/20 years service for CAS-90 and 8/16/25 years service for MCAS-01 should be counted from the date of initial appointment as Pharmacist Grade III as the said revision of scale(s) is not upgradation but substitution of scale(s).
In such cases the overdrawal for the period from 01-01-2008 to 31-03-2008 shall be recovered with reference to unrevised pay drawn prior to 01-04-2008 as in the said period pay under W.B.S. (ROPA) Rules, 2009 is notional.
The Scale of pay of Bengali Translator was revised from Scale No. 10 i.e. Rs. 1390 – 2970/- to Scale No. 12 i.e. Rs. 4800-10925/- w.e.f. 1.1.96 notionally actual benefit from 1.1.2007 vide this Department’s Order No. 548-ICA dt. 27.2.09.
Modified Career Advancement Scheme for the State Government employees as introduced in Finance Deptt. No. 3015-F dt. 13.03.2001 as per recommendations of the 4th Pay Commission.