The availability of a permanent posts depends upon factors such as retirement/ resignation of a permanent Government employee, conversion of temporary posts into permanent ones etc.
The availability of a permanent posts depends upon factors such as retirement/ resignation of a permanent Government employee, conversion of temporary posts into permanent ones etc.
Candidates may be given appointment on compassionate ground to the post of Lower Division Clerk without having passed the examination on elementary knowledge in computer operation.
The Headmaster/Headmistress needs to adopt an MC Resolution in this regard, mentioning the service to be satisfactory, after the concerned incumbent has completed the remaining part of the completion of 2 years of continuous service.
Enhancement of remuneration, terminal benefit, medical facility and leave facility for the contractual/ casual/ piece-rated/ daily rated workers.
Allowing annual increments and promotion to next higher post in respect of LDAs/ LDCs being promoted from Group-‘D’ post and other eligible Group-‘C’ posts.
An employee appointed under West Bengal Services (Appointment, Probation and Absorption of Group C Employees) Rules, 2013 shall be confirmed on satisfactory completion of one year.
The Scheme for Utilization of Persons Employed under Local Fund administered or not administered by Government of West Bengal or in any Company, Corporation, Undertaking, Statutory Body, Board etc. for deployment or detailment in any Government Offices or in any Other Local Fund Authority or any such entity.
Contractual/ Casual/ Piece-rated/ Daily-rated Workers may be engaged in any other entity, local fund or in any project, scheme or office under the Govt. on the same rate of remuneration. Such engagement will not be regularized in future.
During the period of probation only the entry point pay i.e. Basic Pay plus Grade Pay shall be allowed with annual increment @ 3% per annum and medical allowance, if any.
Memo no. 3105/DP/IR-1/2011 dated 01.11.11 of the Directorate of Panchayats & Rural Developement seeking reports for Casual/ Daily rated/ Contractual Workers who are engaged in DPRDO/BDO/ZP/PS/GP Offices prior to 01.04.2010.
The casual/ daily rated/ contractual workers who have rendered 10 years of service continuously with at least 240 days attendance each year may remain engaged in the same status and capacity till their attaining the age of 60 years.
An officer who has successfully completed the probation and passed departmental examination or undergone training, as prescribed under relevant rules may be considered for confirmation.
A Govt. employee shall be deemed to be on probation on completion of continuous temporary service for two years after his initial appointment in a post or cadre.