
Engagement of Contractual/ Casual/ Daily-rated Workers

Finance, , 👁️ 1322

Contractual/ Casual/ Piece-rated/ Daily-rated Workers may be engaged in any other entity, local fund or in any project, scheme or office under the Govt. on the same rate of remuneration. Such engagement will not be regularized in future.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 3967-F(P) Dated: 01.08.2014


A scheme for optimal use of public fund and productive and effective use of available manpower in several entities, namely, Companies, Corporations, Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Boards etc. wholly and partially Owned and controlled by the Government or by any body which is funded wholly and partially by the Government as well as persons employed under any local fund whether administered by Government or not in the event of cessation of functioning etc. has been formulated vide Finance Department No. 3161-F(P) dt. 17.06.2014.

Now, it has come to notice that there may be different categories of manpower as mentioned below in any local fund or entities as above.

(a) Regular employees (b) Contractual employees (c) Casual/ Piece-rated/Daily-rated workers.

The manpower at Sl. No. (a) only is covered under the above order of Finance Department. As such, detailment/ deployment of the remaining two categories of manpower is not possible under the said order.

Now, considering the interest of other categories of manpower, the Governor has been pleased to decide their engagement in the following manner in the event as mentioned at para 1 above.

(1) Contractual employees – Contract of such employees in the parent office may be terminated and thereafter fresh contract may be executed for engagement in other entity, local fund or Government office as the case may be with the express condition, inter alia, therein that such engagement will not be regularized in future in any manner whatsoever. The contractual remuneration may be the same as was in the parent office.

(2) Casual/ Piece-rated/ Daily-rated workers – Such workers may be engaged in any other entity, local fund or in any project, scheme or office under the Government on the same rate of remuneration as they received in the parent office.

Accordingly, the controlling departments of such local fund or entity may, at first work out the details of manpower to be detailed or deployed in other local fund, entity or in Government office project or scheme and then take up with other departments for detailment or deployment or engagement as the case may be. After working out such details, the concerned controlling department will sent specific proposals to the Finance Department for concurrence.

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 3967-F dated 01.08.2014, Source