D. El. Ed
The teacher education programme leading to the Diploma in Elementary Education aims at preparing teachers for the elementary stage of education, i.e., classes I-VIII.
The teacher education programme leading to the Diploma in Elementary Education aims at preparing teachers for the elementary stage of education, i.e., classes I-VIII.
The submission of the list of valid admitted students will start on 2nd January, 2019 and continue up to 14th January, 2019 as per the below noted schedule.
Handing over of Admit Cards of D. El. Ed. Part-II Examination 2016-2018 (Theoretical) to the Heads of the respective D. El. Ed. Institutes will be made in between 14th December, 2018 and 15th December, 2018.
Eligible continuing and unsuccessful candidates of 2 year D.El.Ed. Course are requested to fill up the online application form and submit/ upload the required information/ documents on payment of Rs. 600/- only online.
D. El. Ed. Part – II Examination (Theoretical) of the session – 2016-2018 (Regular) and of the sessions 2014-2016 and 2015-2017 (the continuing candidates) to be held on and from 17.12.2018.
The students are requested to fill up the online application forms for D.El.Ed. Part – II Examination on payment of Rs. 600/- only as examination fees online on and from 1st December, 2018.
Heads of all the DIETs/ Govt./ Govt. Sponsored/ Govt. Aided P.T.T.I are requested to receive the Mark Sheets of D.El.Ed. Part-I Examination of the session 2016-2018 on and from 24.11.2018 to 26.11.2018.
Heads of all the DIETs/ Govt./ Govt. Sponsored/ Govt. Aided P.T.T.I are requested to receive the Mark Sheets of D.El.Ed. Part-II Examination of the session 2015-2017 on and from 22.11.2018 to 30.11.2018.
Certificates of the D. El. Ed. Examination of the session 2014-2016 will be handed over to the heads of the D. El. Ed. Institutes on and from 22nd November, 2018 to 30th November, 2018.
Publication of the Result of Two Year D.El.Ed. Part-II Examination – 2015-2017 (Regular/Face to face) in compliance with the order of the Honourable High Court, Calcutta.
NC and CC candidates will be instructed by the concerned S.I. of Schools/ Circle project Coordinators to submit the filled-in forms along with relevant documents and Bank Drafts within 06.08.2018.
Online Applications are invited for appearing at the Second Year Term End (Theoretical) Examination of Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (ODL), Session: 2015-2017 from the Para-teachers & Residual Primary School Teachers.
All concerned are hereby informed that the Spl Supplementary First Year Term End Examination of the Two Year D. El. Ed Course (ODL) for CC & NC candidates will be held as per the following schedule.