Here you get information about various examination related government publication.
Here you get information about various examination related government publication.
There should be 01 (one) invigilator per block of 25 (twenty five) students subjected to a minimum of 02 (two) invigilators in each room/examination hall.
Open the process of online enrolment for the students appearing H.S. Examination, 2025 from 26.12.2024 (Thursday) to 31.12.2024 (Tuesday) with late fine.
Semester II examinations will be held on each day from 3:00 pm to 05:00 pm (02 hours) except Visual Arts, Music and Vocational Subjects.
Supplementary Examination of Semester I is to be conducted by the schools in the month of February, 2025 as per the convenience of the concerned institutions.
Do not carry mobile phone or any other electronic gadgets including smart watch inside the examination venue except calculator having Trigonometric, Logarithmic and Exponential functions only.
WBCHSE has been pleased to enhance the Remuneration and Travelling Allowances of Head Examiners, Examiners, Scrutineers and Co-ordinators w.e.f. the evaluation process of answer scripts of Higher Secondary Examination, 2023.
Appeals/ Formats related to H.S. Examination, 2023 are being uploaded in the Council website: https://wbchse.wb.gov.in/ for ready reference of all concerned and smooth conduction of the examination.
All regular classes will remain suspended for the days of examination for those Institutions where both H.S Examination, 2023 and Class XI Annual Examination, 2023 will be held.
Not to sanction any leave to teachers and non-teaching staff of their Institution on the dates of H.S Examination 2023 and Class XI Annual Examination 2023, except in extreme emergency cases.
SPECIMEN ANSWER SCRIPT (Theory Paper) of the H.S. Examination & Class XI Annual Examination, 2023 is being uploaded in the Council website: https://wbchse.wb.gov.in/ for ready reference and for the interest of the Examinee.
Instruction to the Head of Higher Secondary Institutions, Venue Supervisor, Teachers, Convenor, Jt. Convenor, Center-in-Charge, Center Secretary for ensuing Higher Secondary Examination and Class XI Annual Examination, 2023.
WBCHSE is pleased to announce the number of maximum permissible days for which ON DUTY may be allowed to the teachers for performing H.S. Examination 2023 related works.