Grant-in-Aid is financial assistance provided by a government or organization to support institutions, projects, or individuals for specific purposes, without requiring repayment.
Top most priority should be given by all concerned for implementation of COSA software package for drawal of Grant-in-Aid Salary Bills latest by the 30th September, 2014.
Grant-in-aid salary bills of non-Government aided Secondary Schools/ Madrasahs generated through On-line salary management system (OSMS) of School Education Department of the State Government shall be accepted in the Treasury/ PAO.
Introduction of revised standard format of ‘Utilisation Certificate’ for payment made as Grants-in-Aid to the Non-Government Bodies/Grantee Institutions.
From the Financial Year 2012-13, the Grant-in-Aid Bill shall not be passed by the Treasuries/ PAOs if the ‘Sanction Order’ of the same is not in the revised format.
One uniform system of grants-in-aid under which financial assistance is proposed to be provided for covering the net deficit on salary account of approved teachers and non-teaching employees.