COSA is Mandatory for Drawal of Grant-in-Aid Salary Bills
Top most priority should be given by all concerned for implementation of COSA software package for drawal of Grant-in-Aid Salary Bills latest by the 30th September, 2014.
Grant-in-Aid Salary Bills in COSA Compliant Format
Grant-in-aid salary bills of non-Government aided Secondary Schools/ Madrasahs generated through On-line salary management system (OSMS) of School Education Department of the State Government shall be accepted in the Treasury/ PAO.
Utilisation Certificate for Payment made as Grants-in-Aid
Introduction of revised standard format of ‘Utilisation Certificate’ for payment made as Grants-in-Aid to the Non-Government Bodies/Grantee Institutions.
New Grant in Aid Sanction Order, 2012-13
From the Financial Year 2012-13, the Grant-in-Aid Bill shall not be passed by the Treasuries/ PAOs if the ‘Sanction Order’ of the same is not in the revised format.
Grants-in-Aid to Recognized Non-Govt. High and Higher Secondary Schools
One uniform system of grants-in-aid under which financial assistance is proposed to be provided for covering the net deficit on salary account of approved teachers and non-teaching employees.
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