House Loan facility is offered to the employees/ officers of the West Bengal Government under Housing Loan Scheme by different Nationalized Banks.
Governor has been pleased to decide to introduce a new scheme of House Building Loan to the State Government Employees named AKANKSHA with a provision of Rs. 100 Cr.
(i) Up to Rs. 50,000/- ………… 6% (ii) Up to Rs. 1,50,000/- ………… 7.5% (iii) Up to Rs. 5,00,000/- ………… 9% (iv) Up to Rs. 7,50,000/- ………… 9.5%
Housing Loan Scheme for the employees of the Government of West Bengal in association with the United Bank of India under tie-up arrangement – Rate of interest with immediate effect.
The Governor has been pleased to Fix the following rates of interest on loans taken by Government Servants during the year 2011-2012 as follows:
Governor has been pleased to accord sanction to introduce the fixed rate of interest in the Housing Loan Scheme for employees of Govt. of West Bengal for a period of one year with effect from 01.07.2010 in the following manner as prescribed by the WBSCB Ltd.
Housing Loan Scheme for the Employees of the Government of West Bengal in association with the United Bank of India under tie-up arrangement – Interest rate.
Housing Loan Scheme for the Employees of the Govt. of West Bengal in association with United Bank of India- Special offer for the period ending 31.03.2010 and further period w.e.f. 01.04.10 to 07.11.10.
Housing Loan Scheme for the employees of the Government of West Bengal in association with the United Bank of India & West Bengal State Co-operative Bank Ltd.
After full repayment of the Housing Loan along with interest accrued thereon, Bank will return all requisite papers and Deeds/ Agreement duly mortgaged and deposited with them immediately along with complete loan recovery certificate.
The property being financed by the bank shall be placed under equitable mortgage by deposit of title deeds with the bank. Agreement deed for purchase of flat under construction, in original, shall be deposited to the bank before receiving loan.