For On-line real time management monitoring and control of all fund allocations and financial transactions in different Departments and their subordinate offices.
Approval to fund flow through e-bantan module of IFMS does not need any separate allotment order other than the system generated one. Any conventional method of preparation of allotment letter and forwarding the same manually may result in duplication and will not be entertained in the Treasury/ PAO.
e-Bantan module will cover the entire processes of digitized fund flow ending up at the Drawing and Disbursing Officer’s level. For the purpose, it requires provisioning of Internet Connectivity up to the DDO level.
State Government has decided to allow drawal of fund from the treasuries/ Pay and Accounts offices of the State Government in anticipation of allotment of fund for the following items of expenditure for the period upto 31st July, 2014.
In the first phase, e-Bantan will be implemented, tentatively from 1st April 2014. Allotment /release of fund including Budgetary allocation to the Administrative Departments shall be uploaded from time to time by the Finance Department in e-Bantan.
The facility for ‘Online Re-appropriation System’ shall be not be available to the Administrative Departments on and from 01.02.2014. After this period, in case of necessity, the Administrative Departments may move to the Budget Branch of Finance Department for ‘Offline Re-appropriation’.
IFMS is an IT-enabled system to integrate and record all the Government financial transactions, online-monitoring, generation of MIS reports etc., including treasury computerisation and integration of treasury function with DDO, Banks and AGWB.
To decentralise the power of re-appropriation by introducing ‘On-line Re-appropriation System’ as an e-Governance activity with a view to establishing accountability, transparency and uniformity in the system in a centralised manner.
Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) comprising all aspects of treasury and budget functions including integration of receipt and expenditure accounts of the State Government.
Finance Department has introduced web-enabled application software Workflow based Online File Tracking System to track online movement of files for speedy decision making at all levels.
Governor is pleased to allow Broad Band connection for all the Superintending and Executive Engineers with the existing telephone line or a data card for official use, the maximum charge for which should not exceed Rs. 750/- only per month.
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