Introduction of Integrated Financial Management System, IFMS

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Budget Branch

No. 2088-F.B. Dated: 28.02.2014.


Subject: Introduction of Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)

The Government of West Bengal in Finance Department for some time past was considering restructuring the existing systems of fund allocation to the Administrative Departments and Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs) and financial transactions including entire Treasury Management System to ensure transparency, accuracy, and efficiency in fund and financial management. Accordingly, the Governor is pleased to introduce the ‘Integrated Financial Management System’ [IFMS] for on-line real time management monitoring and control of all fund allocations and financial transactions in different Departments and their subordinate offices under the State Government. The project will be implemented, in phased manner, within 18 months with effect from 1st April, 2014. It will be a centralised system and all servers located at State Data Centre of West Bengal will be linked with steady MPLS and WBSWAN network connectivity.

The modules and the facilities available that comprise the IFMS are summarised below:

A. e-Bantan [e-Allocation of Fund]:

a) Allotment of Fund From Department to Administrative Departments and to DDOs :

(i) Allotment /release of fund including Budgetary allocation to the Administrative Departments shall be uploaded from time to time by the Finance Department in e-Bantan.

(ii) The Administrative Departments shall allotment thr fund to the DDOs directly or through their Directorates/ Subordinate Offices using e-Bantan module..

(iii) Allotment of fund made to the DDOs shall be available to the concerned Treasury and DDOs through e-Bantan module.

b) Allotment of fund through LOC:

The existing online LOC system will be integrated in this module.

B. E – Billing :

(i) Submission of all bills electronically to the Pay Accounts Offices/ Treasury by the DDO will be routed through this module only. DDO shall be required to log on to the web-based e-Bantan module for submission of bills.

(ii) In the initial phase, Billr in both physical and electronic form have to be submitted to the Treasury. The treasury shall accept bills in physical form only if the electric bill has been submitted through e-Bantan.

C. E-Receipt – Government Receipts and Information System (GRIPS):

(i) The existing system of GRIPS will be upgraded and integrated into IFMS.

(ii) All State Government receipts of tax and non tax revenues, deposits and refunds thereof will be covered in this module.

D. E-Pradan (Pradan Government e-Payment System) :

e-Pradan is a Web-based Government e-Payment System [GePS] through which all payments will be electronically disbursed to the bank-account of the payee /employee/ contractor/ beneficiary.

E. Works and Forest Accounts Computerization System (WFACS):

The preparation and complication of works and forest accounts will be done through this module.

F. Centralised Treasury System (CTS):

(i) Processing of bills submitted by DDOs, payments and receipts will be done through this module.

(ii) The other treasury activities like pension management, Personal Ledger and Local Fund Account, Management of Bank Accounts, Provident Fund Account, Public Deposit Account, stamp management and preparation of Treasury Accounts will also be done through this module.

G. Human Resource Management System (HRMS):

The work of manpower planning and management, personal information, personal claims, loans, leave, transfer, posting and joining, promotion, retirement, etc. will be mandatorily processed through this module.

The above modules will be inter-related to each other wherever required through inbuilt interfaces in the IFMS. Detailed guidelines for each module will be issued in due course.

In the first phase, e-Bantan will be implemented, tentatively from 1st April 2014. All the Departments shall, therefore, arrange for creating their respective master database through the link available under Finance Department website [] towards allotment of fund to their respective Directorates and subordinate offices by 15th March, 2014 positively.

The IFMS implementation team will impart training and extend hand holding support at different Levels such as Department, Directorate, Head of Office and Drawing & Disbursing Office levels to enable hassle free switch over to the new web based system under IFMS from the existing systems.

Each Administrative Department of the Government of West Bengal will select a nodal officer for implementation of IFMS project and inform the same to Finance Department.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 2088-FB dated 28.02.2014, Source

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