Casual Leave, Earned Leave, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Half Pay Leave, Commuted Leave, Leave not Due, Extraordinary Leave, Special Disability Leave, Study Leave, Child Care Leave, Child Adoption Leave etc.
Casual Leave, Earned Leave, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Half Pay Leave, Commuted Leave, Leave not Due, Extraordinary Leave, Special Disability Leave, Study Leave, Child Care Leave, Child Adoption Leave etc.
Inclusion of other infectious diseases including COVID-19 under the provision of Management of Recognised Non-Government Institutions (Aided and Unaided) Rules, 1969 pertaining to Quarantine Leave was under active consideration.
Inclusion of other infectious diseases including COVID-19 under the provision of the West Bengal Primary Education (Leave of Teachers of Primary Schools) Rules, 1999 pertaining to Quarantine Leave was under active consideration.
Quarantine Leave due to infectious disease in the family or household of a regular and whole-time Non-teaching employee of State aided Universities in the State of West Bengal.
Quarantine Leave due to infectious disease in the family or household of a regular and whole-time Teacher of State aided Universities in the State of West Bengal.
(i) Leaves like casual leave, medical leave, maternity leave, study leave and (ii) Swasthya Sathi Scheme which had earlier been enjoyed by the erstwhile Government approved Part Time Teachers, Contractual Whole Time Teachers.
1. SARS 2. MARS 3. COVID-19 4. Avian Influenza (H5N1)/ Novel Influenza 5. Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF)
In view of pandemic of COVD-19, all types of leave of all staff of Health and Family Welfare Department posted at all tiers (primary, secondary and tertiary health care institutions and offices including Headquarter) in West Bengal is hereby cancelled.
Government of West BengalDepartment of Health and Family WelfareDirectorate of Health ServicesAdministration BranchWing-B, 2nd Floor, Swasthya BhawanGN 29, Sector V, Salt lake, Kolkata – 700091 Memo No. HPT/2P-62-19/A6086 Dated: 30/09/2019 To Subject: Grant of leave in respect of Govt. Employees performing duties on the approved holidays in the interest of Public Services It has brought […]
Enhancement of remuneration, terminal benefit, medical facility and leave facility for the contractual/ casual/ piece-rated/ daily rated workers.
It has been decided to allow Interns engaged in Finance department 12 (twelve) off days during their tenure subject to the condition that not more than 6 (six) off days at a time will be allowed.
Station Leave Permission will not be entertained unless the application for the same is received at least 7 (seven) clear working days prior to the date of commencement of the journey.
All Heads of H.S. Institutions are being requested not to sanction any leave to teachers and non-teaching staff of their Institution on the dates of H.S. Examination 2019.