

Lecturer is an academic professional who teaches courses at the college or university level. They are responsible for delivering lectures, preparing educational materials, conducting research, and guiding students in their academic pursuits.

ROPA for Principals and Lecturers of Polytechnics in West Bengal

Revision of pay-scales for Principals and Lecturers of Government and Government Sponsored Polytechnics in West Bengal w.e.f. 01.01.2016.

Re-Employment of Part Time Teachers/ Guest Lecturers

The existing superannuated full time teachers serving as a) Part Time Teachers b) Guest Lecturers c) Part Time Teachers may be engaged in the concerned colleges on term basis for one year.

Promotion to Reader/Lecturer (Selection Grade) – Clarification

Minimum length of service for eligibility to move in to the lecturer (Sr. Scale) would be four years for those with Ph.D., five years for those with M.Phil., and six years for others at the level of Lecturer.

Eligibility of Promotion to Reader/Lecturer (Selection Grade)

Minimum length of service required for promotion to the post of Assistant Professor Stage III [Reader /Lecturer (Selection Grade)] from the post of Assistant Professor Stage II [Lecturer (Sr. Scale)] is five years.

Engagement of Retired Teachers or Lecturers on Temporary Basis

Retired college/ school teachers with Honours/ Post Graduate qualification and below 64 years of age may apply seeking engagement as ‘Part time’ teachers in Higher Secondary Schools.

Recruitment Rules of Principal and Lecturer in PTTI

Method of and qualifications required for recruitment to the posts of Principal and Lecturer in PTTI under the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal.

Lecturer and Principal Recruitment Rules in DIET

The method of and qualifications required for recruitment to the posts of Principal and Lecturer in the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), under the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal.

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