Engagement of Retired Teachers or Lecturers on Temporary Basis

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Secondary Branch
Bikash Bhavan, 5th floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91

No. 1170-SE(S)/3S-47/2012 Date: 23.08.2013


As there are number of vacancies occurred due to retirement of teachers and up-gradation of Secondary Schools to Higher Secondary Schools and as the School Service Commission could not complete the process for recruitment of teachers the education in the Higher Secondary classes are badly hampered. Under the above circumstance, in the interest of proper education of the students, Government has no option but to take some temporary measure to promote education in the Higher Secondary classes. It is learnt that the school authorities engage teachers from locality to continue the classes but their qualification might not be up to the standard and it is detrimental to quality teaching. Hence, it is decided that the school may engage retired teachers or lecturers purely on temporary basis under following terms and conditions:

1. Eligibility for Engagement:-

i) Retired college/ school teachers with Honours/ Post Graduate qualification and below 64 years of age may apply seeking engagement as ‘Part time’ teachers in Higher Secondary Schools.

ii) The retired teacher should be physically fit and mentally alert to discharge the duties of ‘Part Time Teachers’ in the school in which he/she would be engaged to perform the related duties like invigilation/ scrutiny of answer scripts tutorials etc.

iii) Teachers who have been made to retire compulsorily as punishment or voluntarily due to illness or for other type of in capacitance or have been charged /convicted of moral turpitude or for any criminal offence would not be considered for such engagement even if he/she was exonerated from the charges.

iv) In case of selection of one candidate from several applicants the school authority will arrange for the process of recruitment as followed during selection of a teacher in deputation vacancy.

2. Period of Engagement:

i) The period of engagement should be up to 180 days or until regular teachers join the schools whichever is earlier.

ii) Maximum 6 to 8 classes (6 for non-lab 8 for Lab based subjects) per week are to be allotted for subject for each class (XI/XII).

3. Remuneration:-

The remuneration of @ Rs. 200/- will be paid per class.

4. Procedure for Engagement:-

i) The School Authority will place requisition for 01, maximum 02 subject teachers along with staff pattern, bio-data and consent letter of the teacher to be engaged to the DIS (SE). He on receiving approval from the Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal, will allow the school authority to engage the teacher.

ii) The School Authority on receiving approval from the DIS will engage the teacher having qualification and under terms and conditions as stated in this order.

iii) After engagement the school authority will inform the DIS about the engagement and submit bills separately for payment of remuneration after completion of one month.

iv) The DIS will send details of such engagements in the district to the CSE and CSE will send a consolidated report to the Department.

v) Every engagement will be terminated by the DIS as soon as the regular teacher on the same subject joins in the school and will send a report to the CSE.

5. The fund for this purpose will be met out of the budgetary allocation made under the following head of account:

“2202-General Education-02-Secondary Education-110-Assistance to Non-Govt. Secondary Schools-NP-Non Plan-006-Assistance to Non-Govt. Higher Secondary Institution (ES)-31- Grants-in-aid-General-01-Salary Grants”.

6. The concerned District Inspector of Schools (SE) of the district will act as D.D.O for the head of account mentioned above.

The following procedure for disbursement of salary to the ‘Part Time Teachers’ will be as follows:-

i. The Pay bills of the Part Time Teachers will be prepared by the School Authority and to be placed before the D.I.S. (SE) /ADIS (SE) concerned.

ii. The disbursement of salary to the Part Time Teacher will be done in Cash.

7. This order issues with concurrence of Finance Department (Gr. P2) West Bengal vide their U.O. NO. 1044 Gr. P (2).

The Accountant General, West Bengal is being informed accordingly.

Sd/- Sri Asim Kumar Bhattacharya
Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

No. 1170-SE dated 23.08.2013

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