
PWD Code

Public Works Department Code is intended to define the scope of the administrative and executive functions of the officers under this Department.

Splitting of Project into Specialized Component Works for Separate Tenders

To facilitate timely execution of projects with specialized component works, splitting of projects into the following component works and invitation of separate tender for each such component work is hereby allowed.

Splitting of Works/ Increase in Scope of Work during Execution

After finalisation of the tender process, the scope of work should not be increased during period of execution. No additional/ supplementary/ substitute items should be considered.

Instant Release of EMD for Unsuccessful Bidders

To prevent unnecessary blocking of earnest money of the unsuccessful bidders, the bid evaluation committee shall carry out the financial evaluation of the tender just after financial bid opening (selection of L1 bidder) and all the unsuccessful bids shall be REJECTED.

AA&FS must be endorsed with Allotment Orders

Reference of the G.O. under which the Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction was issued, should invariably be given in the Sanction-cum-Allotment order.

Sanction of In-lieu Item and Excess Quantity

Deviation in quantities of individual item up to +10% of agreement quantities will not need any prior approval of technical sanction authority and sanction of deviations is not required.

Duties and Responsibilities of Junior Engineers under PWD

Junior Engineers are responsible for the execution of original/ maintenance works and maintenance of material accounts and public asset with which they are concerned.

Rule 220 of PWD Code regarding Post-Tender Negotiation

There should normally be no post tender negotiations. If at all negotiations are warranted under exceptional circumstances, then it can be with L1, (Lowest tenderer) only.

Credential Policy Modification: Amendment in PWD Code

For first call of NIT: Intending tenderers should produce credentials of a similar nature of completed work of the minimum value of 40% of the estimated amount put to tender during 5 (five) years prior to the date of issue of the tender notice.

Credential Policy: Amendment in PWD Code

Credential certificate issued by the Executive Engineer or equivalent or competent authority of a State/ Central Government, Government undertaking, Statutory/ Autonomous bodies on the executed value of completed/ running work will be taken as credential.

Technical Sanction for Repair Works in Residence – PWD Code

Superintending Engineers are solely empowered to accord technical sanction to estimates for ordinary repair works in residences as per the extant policy of Public Works Department.

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