
PWD Code

Public Works Department Code is intended to define the scope of the administrative and executive functions of the officers under this Department.

Instant Release of EMD for Unsuccessful Bidders

Public Works

To prevent unnecessary blocking of earnest money of the unsuccessful bidders, the bid evaluation committee shall carry out the financial evaluation of the tender just after financial bid opening (selection of L1 bidder) and all the unsuccessful bids shall be REJECTED.

Credential Policy: Amendment in PWD Code

Public Works

Credential certificate issued by the Executive Engineer or equivalent or competent authority of a State/ Central Government, Government undertaking, Statutory/ Autonomous bodies on the executed value of completed/ running work will be taken as credential.

Measurement Book (West Bengal Form No. 2900)

Public Works

The Measurement Book must be looked upon as the most important record, since it is the basis of all accounts of quantities, whether of work done by daily labour or by the piece work system or by contract, or of materials received, which have to be counted or measured.