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Splitting of Works/ Increase in Scope of Work during Execution

Finance, , 👁️ 376

After finalisation of the tender process, the scope of work should not be increased during period of execution. No additional/ supplementary/ substitute items should be considered.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 4609-F(Y) Dated, 18th July, 2018


Sub: Splitting of works and/ or Increase in scope of work of projects during execution phase

Splitting of works, in general, is not allowed as per Rule 102 of WBFR. However, under exceptional circumstances, works are sometimes required to be splitted after taking express approval of the Administrative Department where the primary consideration of splitting is expediting the execution thereof.

2. It is hereby reiterated that such splitting of works shall not be resorted to unless where it is unavoidable. The purpose of splitting, shall under no circumstances, be done for evading the provisions of e-tender and/or for evading the financial powers of the sanctioning authority.

3. Further, after finalisation of the tender process, the scope of work should not be increased during period of execution. No additional/ supplementary/ substitute items should be considered beyond the already approved scope of work and estimate. Where the accepted bid rate is less than the estimated amount put to tender, the scope of work should not be increased to allow expenditure up to the administrative approved amount. However, routine and minor deviations, as permissible in PWD Code and WBFR, may be considered with the approval of competent authority if the same are absolutely essential for execution of work as per the already approved plan and design.

4. This order will take immediate effect and necessary amendment in the West Bengal Financial Rules shall be made in due course.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi, IAS
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal

No. 4609-F dated 18.07.2018, Source