Question Papers or Patterns for various Examination e.g. Madhyamik, Higher Secondary, Annual Examination, Madrash, Alim, Fazil Examination, Teacher Eligibility Test etc.
Question papers for B. Ed./ B. P. Ed./ M. Ed./ M. P. Ed. examinations are henceforth printed bilingually, i.e. in both English and Bengali languages.
An upgraded question pattern has been framed up with 80 marks in Theory and 20 marks in project, as in the other project-based subjects for Class XI and XII from 2015-16 session.
Subject teachers are being instructed to start the project work within 1st week of July, 2015 and the Heads of Institutions are being instructed to submit all the projects to the Regional Offices.
WBCHSE is pleased to announce a discount of 20% on Class XI and XII Question pattern books for the Institutions at the time of collection of Registration forms from the Regional offices.
WBCHSE is pleased to announce a discount of 16.67% on Class XI Question pattern book for the Institutions and students. Students may personally collect this book at Rs. 50 per copy from the sales counter.
Download Subject-wise Question pattern for Class XII. There will be MCQ type questions, Short Answer Type Questions, Descriptive Type Questions in Higher Secondary Examination, 2015.
The answer script of H.S. Examination, 2015 will have two parts. Part A consists 8 pages for answering descriptive questions. Part B is a Question-cum-Answer Booklet for questions of 1 mark each.
Question Pattern (New Syllabus) of Bengali, Santhali, Music, French, Hindi, Punjabi, Environmental Studies, Health and Physical Education for Higher Secondary Examination.
Sample Question Set including Question Pattern has been published for Arts, Science and Commerce streams of Class XII (New Syllabus).
Council is instructing all teachers and students to strictly follow the subject-wise question pattern provided in the books of sample question set and question pattern meant for Class XI and XII, published by the Council.