

Redesignation refers to the process of changing a person’s job title or position within an organization, often reflecting a change in responsibilities, rank, or status without altering the fundamental role.

Re-designation of IAS Officers posted at State Government Departments

The Indian Administrative Service officers posted in the various Department in different capacity such as Joint Secretary/ Additional secretary shall now be re-designated in the following manner:

CAS and Re-Designation in Govt. Engineering Colleges – Clarification

Clarification towards re designation and Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) for the Teachers of Govt. Engineering & Technology Colleges in West Bengal.

Re-Designation and CAS for Teachers of Govt. Engineering Colleges

Applicability of the Terms and Conditions towards re-designation and Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) for the Teachers of Govt. Engg. & Tech. Colleges in West Bengal.

Re-Designation of Sub-Assistant Engineer to Junior Engineer

Designation of Sub-Assistant Engineer be changed from Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical) to Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical) respectively.

Clarification regarding CAS & Re-designation in Govt. Colleges

Applicability of terms and conditions towards Re-designation & Career Advancement Scheme for the teachers and equivalent academic staff of the Government colleges in West Bengal – clarification regarding.

Clarification regarding Re-Designation in Govt. Aided Colleges

Applicability of terms and conditions towards Re-designation & Career Advancement Scheme for the teachers and equivalent academic staff of the Government-aided colleges in West Bengal – clarification regarding.

Clarification regarding Re-Designation in Govt. Colleges

Clarification towards the implementation of Re-designation to the post of Associate Professor for the teachers, librarians of the Government & Government aided colleges in West Bengal.

Designating W.B.C.S.(Exe) Officers as Deputy Secretary

W.B.C.S. (Exe) officers on movement to prerevised scale No. 17 shall be designated as Deputy Secretary while posted in the Secretariat Deptt. or Ex-Officio Deputy Secretary when posted outside the State Secretariat.

CAS, Redesignation of Teachers, Librarians in Govt. Colleges

Teachers, librarians etc. whose Career Advancement and Redesignation falls due on a date during the period from 30.06.2010 to 31.10.2012, CAS and Redesignation will be effective notionally on the date when it is due.

Redesignation of District Backward Classe Welfare Officer

The post will be filled up by an officer in the pay scale of Rs. 12000 – 18,000/- under W.B.S. (ROPA) Rules, 1998 corresponding to the revised Pay Band 4B of Rs. 28,000 – 52,000/- with Grade Pay of Rs. 7600/- of WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2009.

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