

Here you will find all G.O.s regarding West Bengal Revision of Pay and Allowances, 2009 in chronological order. ROPA 2009 is based upon 5th Pay Commission.

Determination of Group of Employees upon ROPA, 2019

Group – A: All employees having Entry Pay in the Pay-Level with a minimum Rs. 35,800/- and above with Level of Pay ranging from 12 and above. Group – B: Rs. 24,700/-and above with Level of Pay ranging from 7 to 11. Group – C: Rs. 18,800/-and above with Level of Pay ranging from 3 to 6. Group – D: Rs. 17,000/- and above with Level of Pay ranging in 1 and 2.

West Bengal Civil Service (Judicial) and the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Act, 2003

An Act to regulate the pay and allowance by way of revision of scale of pay of the members of the West Bengal Civil Service (Judicial) and the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension under French Pension Rules

The Pension/ Family Pension of the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners guided under French Pension Rules shall be consolidated w.e.f. 01.01.2020 by multiplying the existing Pension/ Family Pension due on 31.12.2019 with 2.57.

Consolidation of Restored Portion of Pro-rata Pension (ROPA, 2019)

The amount of Pro-rata pension already restored shall be further consolidated w.e.f. 01.01.2020 or from the date on which the amount is restorable whichever is later, by multiplying with 2.57.

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension (Post-01.01.2016) under SED

Revision of pension/ family pension, gratuity and commutation of pension of post 01.01.2016 pensioners implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission.

West Bengal Services (ROPA), 2019 under School Education

Governor has been pleased to direct that the date of effect of the revised pay structure, the manner of fixation of pay in the revised pay structure and other conditions of service of the employees under School Education Department.

Revision of Pension (Post-01.01.2016) of Teaching Staff of Non-Govt. Colleges

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of post 01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in respect of Teaching Staff including Graduate Laboratory Instructors/ Instructresses, Librarians/ Assistant Librarians, Physical Instructors/ Instructresses and equivalent category of employees of State aided Non-Government Colleges including erstwhile Sponsored Colleges.

Revision of Pension (Post-01.01.2016) of Non-Teaching Staffs of Non-Govt. Colleges

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension, Gratuity and Commutation of Pension in respect of Post 01.01.2016 non-teaching employees of Non-Government Colleges, Day Students Homes and employees of West Bengal College Service Commission.

Revision of Pension (Post-01.01.2016) of Teaching Staffs of Govt. Colleges

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of post 01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in respect of Teaching Staff including Librarians/ Assistant Librarians, Physical Instructors/ Instructresses and equivalent category of employees of Government Colleges.

ROPA in respect of Pro-Vice-Chancellor of State-aided Universities

Pro-Vice-Chancellor may be allowed to draw pay in Academic Level 15 w.e.f 01.01.2020 and the pay of the existing Pro-Vice-Chancellors who are in receipt of AGP of Rs. 12,000/- shall be fixed at the appropriate cell of Academic Level 15 by multiplying the existing basic pay (Band Pay + AGP) with the factor 2.57.

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