Revision of Pension/ Family Pension (Post-01.01.2016) under SED

School Education Department
Budget Branch
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata- 700 091

No. 53/ES/P/P&B/10M-99/2019 Date: 14.02.2020


Subject: Revision of pension/ family pension, gratuity and commutation of pension of post 01.01.2016 pensioners

The undersigned is directed to state that the question of modification of the existing provision of granting pensionary benefits to the employees consequent upon the revision of pay structure under the memorandum of West Bengal Recognised Non-Government Aided Educational Institutions Employees (Revision of Pay and Allowance), 2019 (herein after referred to as ROPA-2019) published under Notification No. 437-SE (P&B) dated 13/12/2019 in the Official Gazette has been under consideration of the Government.

After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to decide that the pensionary benefits in respect of the employees who retire after coming into force of ROPA-2019 and whose pay has been fixed under the said Memorandum actually or in whose favour such revised pay has been allowed notionally shall be determined as follows:-

A. Pension

(i) An employee retiring in accordance with the provisions of West Bengal Non-Government Educational Institution Employees (Death-Cum-Retirement Benefit) Scheme, 1981 and before completion of minimum qualifying service of ten years shall not be entitled to pension, but he shall continue to be entitled to gratuity.

(ii) An employee who has rendered a minimum qualifying service of 20 (twenty) years, pension shall be paid at 50% of the last basic pay drawn. For employees who at the time of retirement have rendered qualifying service for 10 (ten) years or more but less than 20 (twenty) years, proportionate reduction shall be made while calculating the amount of pension.

(iii) The existing maximum amount of monthly pension of Rs. 22,950/- (Rupees Twenty two thousand nine hundred and fifty) only per month as laid down in Memo. No. 74-SE (B)/1M-4/2009 dated 19.05.2009 shall be raised to Rs. 72,150/- (Rupees Seventy two thousand one hundred and fifty) only per month.

(iv) The existing minimum amount of monthly pension/ family pension of Rs. 3300/- (Rupees three thousand three hundred) only as laid down in Memo. No. 74-SE(B)/1M-4/2009 dated 19.05.2009 shall be raised to Rs. 8500/- (Rupees eight thousand five hundred) only per month.

(v) Additional Pension

The quantum of pension available to the old pensioners shall be increased with effect from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2019 notionally with actual effect from 01.01.2020 as indicated in the following table:

Age of PensionersAdditional Quantum of Pension
From 80 years to less than 85 years20% of the basic pension
From 85 years to less than 90 years30% of the basic pension
From 90 years to less than 95 years40% of the basic pension
From 95 years to less than 100 years50% of the basic pension
100 years or more100% of the basic pension

N.B.: The Pension Sanctioning Authorities should ensure that the date of birth and the age of a pensioner (or family pensioner as in item B below) is invariably indicated in the pension payment order to facilitate payment of additional pension by the Pension Disbursing Authority as soon as it becomes due. The amount of additional pension will be shown distinctly in the Pension Payment Order. For example, in case where pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his pension is Rs. 10,000/- p.m. the pension will be shown as (i) Basic Pension = Rs. 10,000 /-p.m. and (ii) Additional Pension = Rs. 2,000 /- p.m. The pension on his attaining the age of 85 years will be shown as (i) Basic Pension = Rs. 10,000 /- p.m. and (ii) Additional Pension = Rs. 3,000 /- p.m .

The Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) shall ensure that the date of birth and the age of the pensioner is invariably indicated in the Pension Book Let to facilitate the Director of Pension Provident Fund and Group Insurance, West Bengal (DPPG) to record the same in the Pension Payment Order (P.P.O.) to be issued in favour of the pensioner for payment of additional pension by the Pension Disbursing Authority as soon as it becomes due.

The additional quantum of Pension/ Family Pension, on attaining the age of 80 years and above, would be admissible from the 1st day of the month in which date of his birth falls.

B. Family Pension

(i) Family pension shall be calculated @ 30% of the basic pay drawn last actually or notionally under ROPA-2019. The maximum ceiling of family pension of Rs. 13770/- (Rupees thirteen thousand seven hundred and seventy) only per month as laid down in Memo. No. 74-SE (B)/1M-4/2009 dated 19.05.2009 shall be raised to Rs. 43290/- (Rupees Forty three thousand two hundred and ninety) only per month at normal rate. However, the existing provision for calculation of family pension at enhanced rate for a specific period will continue.

(ii) Additional Family Pension

In addition to the Family Pension calculated in para (i) above, the quantum of family Pension available to the old Family Pensioners shall be increased with effect from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2019 notionally with actual effect from 01.01.2020 as indicated in the following table:

Age of Family PensionersAdditional quantum of family pension
From 80 years to less titan 85 years20% of the basic family pension
From 85 years to less than 90 years30% of the basic family pension
From 90 years to less than 95 years40% of the basic family pension
From 95 years to less than 100 years50% of the basic family pension
100 years or more100% of the basic family pension

N.B: GO No. 795-SE (Law)/ES/O/Pen/1M/35/2011 dated 23/06/2011 shall be followed for age proof of the family pensioner. See also NB under item No. A (V).

C. Gratuity

The maximum amount of Death/ Retiring Gratuity of Rs.6.0 lakh (Rupees six lakh) only as laid down in Memo. Memo. No. 74-SE (B)/1M-4/2009 dated 19.05.2009 shall be raised to Rs. 12.0 lakh (Rupees twelve lakh) only.

In view of revision of pay of leaching and non -teaching employees of Government aided/ sponsored educational institutions notionally from 01.01.2016, such ceiling shall be raised from Rs. 6.0 lakh to Rs. 12.00 lakh w.e.f . 01.01.2016.

The rates for payment of death gratuity shall be revised as under:

Length of Qualifying ServiceRate of Death Gratuity
Less than 1 (one) year2 times of last drawn monthly emoluments
1 (one) year or more but less than 5 (five) years6 times of last drawn monthly emoluments
5 (five) years or more but less than 11 (eleven) years12 times of last drawn monthly emoluments
11 (eleven) years or more but less than 20 (twenty) years20 times of last drawn monthly emoluments
20 (twenty) years or moreHalf of the last drawn monthly emoluments for every completed six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 33 times of last drawn monthly emoluments

D. Commutation of Pension

i. An employee shall continue to be entitled to commute for a lump sum payment upto 40% of his pension.

ii. The table showing commutation value for pension is given in Annexure I.

iii. The table as given in Annexure-I will be used for all commutations of pension which become absolute as per this order.

iv. In the case of those pensioners who retired after 01.01.2016 but prior to 01.01.2020 shall have an option to commute the amount of pension that has become additionally commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay/ pension on implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission.

Regulation of the cases of pensioners/family pensioners during the period from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2019

(i) In case of an employees who retired on or after 01.01.2016 and in whose cases Pension Payment Orders have already been issued by DPPG West Bengal till the date of issue of this memorandum, their cases for revision of pensionary benefits may be processed by the Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) on receiving an application made by the incumbent through proper channel in this respect. Such employees are entitled to have their pensionary benefits revised notionally in terms of ROPA-2019 from 01.01.2016 with actual effect from 01.01.2020. They shall not get any arrears representing the difference between revised pension and existing pension for the period from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2019. They shall continue to draw the existing amount of pension which was fixed without taking into account the benefit of notional fixation of pay up to 31.12.2019. They shall get death / retiring gratuity on the basis of emolument allowed notionally as a special case. They shall be entitled to commute not exceeding 40% of the revised pension.

(ii) The Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) will sanction Revised Pension/ Family Pension, balance Amount of Revised Death/ Retiring Gratuity and Commuted Value of Pension in the Formats to be annexed herein and send the same to DPPG West Bengal for issuance of Revised PPO with a copy to Pension Disbursing Treasury in districts/Public Sector Banks in Kolkata.

(iii) Pension Disbursing Treasury in districts/Public Sector Banks in Kolkata shall on receipt of sanction order by the PSA start disbursement of Revised Pension/Family Pension provisionally w.e.f. 01.01.2020.

(iv) On the basis of revised pension sanctioned by PSA, DPPG, West Bengal being the ‘Audit Officer’ shall issue Revised Pension Payment Order (PPO) for Payment of balance amount of Revised Retiring Gratuity/ Death Gratuity, Commuted Value of Pension and Revised Pension/Family Pension w.e.f. 01.01.2020.

(v) On the basis of Revised PPO issued by DPPG West Bengal. Pension Disbursing Treasury/ Public Sector Banks in Kolkata shall draw and disburse the balance amount of Revised Retiring/ Death Gratuity and Additional Commuted Value of Pension.

(vi) Revised Amount of Pension/ Family Pension already paid provisionally by the Pension Disbursing Authority w.e.f. 01.01.2020 shall have to be adjusted with the final Revised Basic Pension/Family Pension as per Revised PPO issued by DPPG, West Bengal. Overpayment, if any, already made shall have to be adjusted accordingly.

(vii) Pension Disbursing Authority shall after making payment of Additional Commuted Value of Pension on the basis of Revised PPO issued from DPPG. West Bengal shall start deducting the ‘Amount commuted additionally’ w.e.f. from the 1st date of the month in which such Additional Commuted Value of Pension will be paid to the Pensioner. Such amount of additional commutation shall be restored after 15 years from the 1st date of the month of disbursement.

(viii) The effective dale for calculating the commuted value of additional commutation shall be considered the date on which Pensioner had already opted for commutation during retirement i.e. the age reckoned for calculation of Commuted Value of Pension at the time of original application.

(ix) Pensioners who want to commute for the first time after coming into Revised Pay Structure as per ROPA, 2019 w.e.f. 01.01.2020 shall also be eligible to commute a part of the Revised Basic Pension subject to maximum 40 percent. In their case Commutation value expressed as number of years purchase for the age as on next birthday on or after 01.01.2020 shall be taken into account. Such commuted amount shall be restored after 15 years from the date of retirement.

(x) In cases where Pensioner/ Family Pensioner is residing in other States, A.G (A&E), West Bengal shall on receipt of sanction of revised PPO issued by DPPG, West Bengal issue authority to the Other States for revision of Pension/ Family Pension, Payment of balance amount of Revised Retiring/Death Gratuity, Commuted Value of Pension under special seal and signature of authorized officer.

(xi) Pension Sanctioning Authority shall obtain the Date of birth of the Family Pensioner at the time of receipt of application for revision of family pension and shall invariably include the same. The documents already authorized vide Memo No. 795-SE (Law)/ES/O/Pen/1M/35/2011 dated 23/06/2011 as proof of birth may be taken into consideration. However the Pension Disbursing Authorities shall also be eligible to extend the benefits of Additional Quantum of family Pension in fit cases where the date of birth of the family pensioner will not be available in the original PPO as well as Revised PPO without referring the same to the Pension Sanctioning Authority further.

(xii) While sending the Sanction of Revised Pensionary benefits, the Head of the Institution shall give a declaration to that effect that ‘No Payment of balance amount of Revised Gratuity and/or Commuted Value of Pension has been made from this end which will be countersigned by the PSA.

(xiii) DPPG, West Bengal shall ensure that Revised PPOs are issued preferably within 30 (Thirty) working days from the date of receipt of sanction from the Pension Sanctioning Authority. Similarly, Pension Disbursing Treasuries/ Public Sector Banks in Kolkata shall ensure payment of balance amount of Revised Gratuity and Additional Commuted Value of Pension within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of receipt of Revised PPO from DPPG West Bengal and start deducting the ‘Additional Amount of Commutation’ as stated above.

(xiv) This order shall take immediate effect. Necessary amendments in DCRB Scheme, 1981 and other orders in this respect shall be made in due courses.

(xv) In the cases of Pensioners who are otherwise eligible to have their pay fixed notionally under ROPA-2019 and who died on or after 01.01.2016 to any date prior to 01.01.2020 being eligible to get revised gratuity determined on the basis of notional emoluments, the same shall be paid to the nominee(s)/ legal heir(s)/family members as usual after adjustment of the amount already paid on this account earlier.

(xvi) This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department, Govt. of W.B. vide their U.O. No. Gr.-P1/2019-2020/0400 dated 12.2.2020 and U.O. No. 16F(Pen) dated 13.02.2020.

By Order of the Governor,

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.


Age on next birthdayCommutation value expressed as number of year’s purchaseAge on next birthdayCommutation value expressed as number of year’s purchaseAge on next birthdayCommutation value expressed as number of year’s purchase
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