Self Appraisal Report for the State Government Employees (Group-A) is to be submitted online through IFMS portal.
Self Appraisal Report for the State Government Employees (Group-A) is to be submitted online through IFMS portal.
All the concerned officers under his/ her administrative control are made aware of processing the pending SARs within the stipulated date as mentioned in the table above so that none of the ‘Officers Reported Upon’ has to suffer in spite of submitting their SARs in time.
The last dates for submission of SAR for the Appraisal Years 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 are extended as below:
Extension of the period for submission and evaluation/ acceptance of online SAR by Officer Reported upon and Reporting Authority/ Reviewing Authority/ Accepting Authority respectively in HRMS for the Appraisal Year 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21.
Extension of the period for submission and evaluation/ acceptance of online SAR by Officer Reported Upon and Reporting Authority/ Reviewing Authority/ Accepting Authority respectively in HRMS for the Appraisal Year 2020-21.
Guideline towards consideration of promotion & the benefit of higher scale in respect of engineer officers of Civil, Electrical & Mechanical wings & the officers in West Bengal General Service in the Architect wing under PWD.
SAR Nodal Officers are requested to complete the process of tagging of concerned Group-A Officers immediately and approve the chain of SAR flow in the System so that the SAR may be submitted by all Group-A Officers to their respective Reporting Officers within 30th June, 2019.
Procedure for Self Appraisal Report [SAR] mechanism in respect of employees belonging to Group-‘A’ service under West Bengal Stenographers [Schedule-‘A’ & ‘B’] Services and Bengali Stenographers.
In respect of introduction of Online System of Self Appraisal Report in respect of Group-A Officers of P.W. Deptt., Govt. of W.B., the Governor is pleased in interest of Public Service to nominate the following Nodal Officers:
Guidelines relating to submission and grading of Self Appraisal Reports for Group-A Officers of the State Government w.e.f. 1st June, 2018 in Performance Appraisal Sub-Module of HRMS.
The online Self Appraisal Report (SAR) for the Appraisal Year 2017-18 for all Group-A employees of the State Government shall be available for submission in HRMS from 01.06.2018 onwards.
Revision of Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities for Self Appraisal Report (SAR) of WBA&AS Officers & Issue of guidelines thereof.
Secretary/ Additional/ Special Secretary in charge of Group T (Establishment Cell) of Audit Branch for the Officers belonging to scale no. 16 & 17 (pre-revised ROPA, 1998)