
Service Rule

West Bengal Dental Education Service and West Bengal Dental Service (Placement on Trainee Reserve) Rules, 2013

These rules may be called the West Bengal Dental Education Service and the West Bengal Dental Service (Placement on Trainee Reserve) Rules, 2013.

West Bengal Electricity (Manner of Service of Order of Provisional Assessment and Appellate Authority) Rules, 2003

These rules may be called the West Bengal Electricity (Manner of Service of Order of Provisional Assessment and Appellate Authority) Rules, 2003.

West Bengal Forest Service Recruitment and Training Rules, 2014

West Bengal Forest Service (Recruitment and Training) Rules, 2014 regulate recruitment and training to the post of Assistant Divisional Forest Officer in the West Bengal Forest Service under Forest Department.

Departmental Promotion in West Bengal Medical Education Service, 2015

Principal/ Director of the Institution need to verify and authenticate the filled in proforma from the Service Book and original mark sheets as submitted by candidate in triplicate.

West Bengal Medical Education Service (Recruitment to Teaching Posts) Rules, 2010

Demonstrators and Resident Medical Officer-cum-Clinical Tutors, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors under the cadre of the West Bengal Medical Education Service.

Permission from CM’s Office to Attend Meeting outside State

With a view to restrict the expenditure towards travelling and other expenditure thereon as well as to minimize dislocation of work due to absence of such officers from the State.

West Bengal Services Classification Control & Appeal Rules – Amendment

The disciplinary authority shall, in all cases of enquiry, appoint a Presenting Officer either from officers in service under the Government or a retired Government officer or a legal practitioner as deem fit.

Amendment of Rule 75 of West Bengal Service Rules

Sub-rules (aa) and (aaa) of rule 75 of West Bengal Service Rules Part I (Compulsory Retirement) shall not be admissible to holder of the West Bengal Health Services, the West Bengal Medical Education Services, the West Bengal Public Health-cum-Administrative Services, the West Bengal Dental Services and the West Bengal Dental Education Services.

West Bengal Fire Services Act, 1950 with all Amendments

West Bengal Fire Services Act is to provide for the maintenance of a fire brigade, for the licensing of warehouses and for certain other matters.

West Bengal Services (Secretariat Common Cadres of Deputy Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries) Rules, 1984 – an amendment

Governor is pleased hereby to make, with immediate effect the following amendments in the West Bengal Services (Secretariat Common Cadres of Deputy Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries) Rules, 1984.

Amendment of West Bengal Services (Secretariat Common Cadres) Rules, 1984

PAR shall have the authority to transfer any Government employee belonging to the Common Cadre to foreign service or on deputation, or to utilize the services of a Government employee on detailment.

Foreign Service, Deputation & Detailment – WBSR Amendment

In case of transfer to foreign service or on deputation outside India, the consent of the Government employee shall be necessary to his transfer to such foreign service or on such deputation outside India.

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