
Speed Governor

Retro-fitment of Speed Limiting Device in Existing Vehicles

The SLD manufacturer or his dealer/agent shall, at the time of fitment of SLD in a vehicle, require to generate a Unique Identification Number for the SLD installed in each vehicle.

Fitment of Speed Limiting Device is Mandated

Provisions regarding fitment of SLD in transport vehicles as laid down in Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 be strictly followed with effect from 31.10.2016.

Technical Committee for fitting Speed Governor with Vehicles

A Technical Committee, constituted to examine technical aspects of commissioning of speed governor in various categories of old vehicles, shall submit report within 30 days to Transport Department.

Transport Vehicles shall be equipped with Speed Governor

Categories of transport vehicles which are not fitted with speed governor, shall be equipped or fitted by the operator of such vehicle with speed governor (speed limiting device).