Operation of Air-conditioned Metered Taxi service with Radio Network in Kolkata and in other areas of the State in the interest of the customers of a different category who seek for such luxury taxi service.
The existing fares of Meter Taxi (Contract Carriage) shall be fixed as per Schedule given below. New fares shall take effect from 11.06.2018.
Bike-Taxi service to areas under New Kolkata Development Authority (NKDA), Nabadiganta Industrial Township Authority (NDITA) and the Sectors I to IV of Bidhannagar (Salt Lake) Township.
Bike-taxis shall be used as a Contract Carriage. The service provider shall develop an app for the use of the hirer which should be informative in all respects.
To allow registration of two wheelers as ‘Contract Carriage’ for operation as Bike-Taxi to be introduced in the areas under New Kolkata Development Authority.
To look into different aspects of social security measures etc. for the taxi drivers, auto-rickshaw drivers and their families to the extent they do not overlap the areas looked after by other statutory and administrative bodies;
Task Force is constituted to deal with various aspects relating to the identification of the specific locations where Taxi Stands within the jurisdiction of Kolkata Municipal Corporation is to be earmarked.
Regional Transport Authority, Siliguri shall issue Contract Carriage permits to Metered Taxis i.e. Motor Cab (of Air-conditioned and/or Non-air-conditioned type) to operate within the jurisdiction of Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority and the area of Siliguri Sub-division.
All metered taxis plying in KMA shall undertake the process of calibration so that the actual fare is computed, displayed and printed receipts are handed over to the passenger positively within 30.06.2014.
All metered taxis plying in the KMA shall undertake the process of calibration so that the actual fare is computed, displayed and printed receipts are handed over to the passenger positively.
A. The colour of the new Metered Taxis shall henceforth be a combination of Navy Blue and White; B. There will be one 10 cm Navy Blue band stretching from the headlight to backlight on both sides of the vehicle;
Pre-paid Taxi Booths: arrangements of fare charts, service charges, bank accounts and issues related thereto: some revised central principles.