

Webel Technology refers to the initiatives and services provided by the West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation (WEBEL), which focuses on promoting and facilitating the growth of the IT and electronics sectors in West Bengal, India. It provides technology solutions, infrastructure support, and business incubation.

Direct Engagement of Contractual Computer Operators under Govt.

The Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (e-Governance Cell) has accorded approval in respect of direct engagement under Government and extending service benefits to the above mentioned Computer Operators engaged contractually in different offices under Public Works Department.

Service Benefits of Contractual IT Personnel (DEO/ Computer Operator)

These contractually engaged IT personnel shall be given security of engagement upto the age of 60 years. They shall not be terminated except on the grounds as prescribed in No. 9008-F(P) dated 16-09-2011.

Procurement of Man Power Supply Services through WBEIDC/ WTL

Payment to WBEIDC/ WTL for supply of manpower shall include:- Consolidated wages as allowed by Finance Department in its Memo No. 1032-F(P2) Dated. 08.02.2019. Employers contribution to EPF, Contribution to ESI, GST, Agency Fee/ Commission @1%, Administrative charges.

Revised Guidelines for Procurement of Goods/ Services from WTL

Procurement of I.T. products like computers and peripherals, printers, scanners, photocopiers etc. can be made through WTL only if the product is not available in GeM. For this WTL will be allowed a commission of 2% on the value of the products procured.