
Direct Engagement of Contractual Computer Operators under Govt.

Public Works, , 👁️ 427

The Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (e-Governance Cell) has accorded approval in respect of direct engagement under Government and extending service benefits to the above mentioned Computer Operators engaged contractually in different offices under Public Works Department.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Establishment Branch
Khadya Bhawan
11A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-87.

No: 2093-E/PWD-11054/2/2020-WORKS WING. Date: 12.02.2021


The undersigned is directed to state that 542 (five forty two) Computer Operators on contractual basis were engaged for a period of 1 (one) year through agency on hiring basis vide this Department Notification No. 152 dated 30.08.2013. The said 542 (five forty two) Computer Operators on contractual basis were deployed by Webel Technology Ltd. initially for a period of 1 (one) year for rendering their services in different offices under Public Works Department. Lastly, the services of the contractual Computer Operators under reference has been extended vide this Department Order No. 786-E, dated 07.04.2020 for a further period of 1 (one) year w.e.f. 17.02.2020, with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group P2/2020-2021/0006, dated 06.04.2020 on existing terms and conditions as laid down in this Department’s Notification No. 152 dated 30.08.2013 read with order No. 193-E dated 21.01.2014 and also in accordance with terms and condition vide Finance Department’s Memo No. 919-F(Y) dated 26.02.2020.

2. The Contractual IT Personnel working in regular establishment in different programmes/ project whether engaged through WEBEL/WTL or Departmentally or through any other similar agencies under the direct control of Government as contractual workers and along with extension of certain benefits to the contractually engaged IT Personnel have been come under direct control of the Government as contractual workers vide Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (e-Governance Cell) Notification No. 192-IT/06/2020/P&AR-e-Gov. Dated 16.10.2020. The Public Works Department sent proposal in respect of 541 (five forty one) out of 542 (five forty two) Computer Operators engaged on contractual basis in different offices under Public Works Department for kind approval towards direct engagement under Government and extension of certain benefits to 541 (five forty one) out of 542 (five forty two) Computer Operators engaged contractually as envisaged in the above mentioned Notification of Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (e-Governance Cell).

3. The Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (e-Governance Cell) has accorded approval in respect of direct engagement under Government and extending service benefits to the above mentioned Computer Operators engaged contractually in different offices under Public Works Department as entailed in the Notification No. 192-IT/06/2020/P&AR-e-Gov. Dated 16.10.2020 vide letter No. 252-PAR-23012/II/2020-e-Gov. Dated 27.01.2021 ibid.

4. In view of above, 542 (five forty two) Computer Operators engaged on contractual basis vide this Department Notification No. 152 dated 30.08.2013 are hereby brought under the direct control of the Government in Public Works Department with the following terms & conditions as laid down in Notification No. 192-IT/06/2020/P&AR-e-Gov. Dated 16.10.2020:

i) Direct engagement under Government –

The engagement of 542 (five forty two) Computer Operators on contractual basis under direct control of the Government in the Public Works Department is hereby enacted w.e.f. 01.11.2020.

ii) Extended Benefits –

a) Security of tenure– These contractually engaged Computer Operators shall be given security of engagement up to the age of 60 years. They shall not be terminated except on the grounds as prescribed in No. 9008-F(P) dated 16.09.2021.

b) Leave – (i) 30 days leave in a calendar year, (ii) 10 days leave on medical ground, (iii) Maternity leave (in case of female employee) 180 days and 42 days in case of abortion/ miscarriage.

c) Terminal benefits on attaining the age of 60 years- Rs. 3.00 Lakhs.

d) Medical Benefit– they will come under Swasthya Sathi Scheme, if he/she is not covered under WBHS being a spouse of an employee of State Government.

5. The service of the Computer Operators is transferable.

Joint Secretary (Personnel),
to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 2093-E dated 12.02.2021