
Submission of Budget Estimate for Financial Year 2016-17

Finance, ,

Request for the submission of revised budget estimates for current financial year, 2015-16 and budget estimates for the next financial year 2016-17.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road
Howrah-711 102

No. 901-FB Howrah, the 2nd November, 2015

From: H.K.Dwivedi, Principal Secretary, Finance Department
To: The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary
…………………. Department

Sub: Submission of revised Budget Estimate for the Current Finance Year and Budget Estimate for the next Financial Year 2016-17

Ref. No. 755-FB dt. 21-09-2015


The above mentioned memo number was issued requesting for the submission of revised budget estimates for current financial year, 2015-16 and budget estimates for the next financial year 2016-17.

You are requested to kindly take early necessary action for submission of these documents at the earliest. While formulating the Revised Estimate, the following factors should be taken into account

(i) The re-appropriation of funds already made or proposed to be made;

(ii) The new schemes that have been sanctioned during the course of the year;

(iii) The new heads of account opened during the year

(iv) Additional funds sanctioned during the year

(v) Any other relevant factors that have a bearing on the expenditure during the year.

This is also to bring to your notice that in a few instances, the above documents have been received directly by Finance Department from a few Directorates and local Offices of the Administrative Departments. However, it is requested that the concerned departments should kindly submit consolidated departmental budget estimates to Finance (Budget) Department. The Departments who have already submitted the detailed estimated documents are also requested to kindly confirm the memo number and date of the same.

The copy of the budget estimates may also be sent to the A.G. West Bengal. This may also be given a highest priority.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary

No. 901-FB dated 02.11.2015, Source