Higher Education, CWTT , PTT đī¸ 331
Submission of claims for remuneration of the existing Part-time teachers (PTTS) and Contractual Whole time teachers (CWTTs) along with the claim bills of Regular Teaching & Non-teaching staff of colleges.
MEMO NO:- ED-258/2013, Dated:- 17.04.2013
From: Director of Public Instruction, West Bengal & Ex-Officio Secretary
Dept. of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal, Bikash Bhavan, Kolkata-91
To: All Principals and TIC s of the Govt-aided colleges in the state.
Reg- Submission of claims for remuneration of the existing Part-time teachers (PTTS) and Contractual Whole time teachers (CWTTs) for the period from 01.01.2013 to 31.03.2013 (as before) & submission of claims for remuneration of PTTs & CWTTs for 1.4.2013 to 30.6.13; 1.7.13 to 31.12.13; and 01.01.14 to 31.3.2014 (onwards), along with the claim bills of Regular Teaching & Non-teaching staff of colleges.
1.They are requested to submit claim proposal with regard to payment of remuneration to Part-time teachers and Contractual Whole time teachers in separate proposal, for the period 01.01.13 to 31.03.13 with the following documents to the Receiving section of the Education Directorate within 25.04.2013 positively.
2. In accordance to G.O. No. 360 Edn(CS)/10M-45/2013 dated 10.4.2013, it is being notified that the state aided non govt. colleges of W.B. are to submit monthly bills of remuneration of CWTTs & PTTs to the Pay Packet Section of the Education Directorate along with the bills of regular teaching and non teaching employees of Colleges w.e.f. 1.4.2013 onwards.
Necessary Formats and documents required for PTTs and CWTTs in this regard are attached herewith.
Sd/- Director of Public Instruction, West Bengal & Ex-Officio Secretary
Dept. of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal, Bikash Bhavan, Kolkata-91
To all the Principals and TIC s of the Govt-aided colleges in the state
Reg- Submission of claims of the existing Contractual Whole-time teachers(CWTTs) for 01.01.2013 to 31.03.2013.
Kindly submit claim proposal of Contractual whole-time teachers, for the above mentioned period with the following documents to the Education Directorate, Receiving section only, within 25.04.2013 positively.
Documents required-
To all the Principals and TIC s of the Govt-aided colleges in the state
Reg- Submission of claims of the existing Part-time teachers(PTTS) for 01.01.2013 to 31.03.2013.
Kindly submit claim proposal of Part-time teachers for the above-mentioned period with the following documents to the Education Directorate, Receiving section only, within 25.04.2013 positively.
Documents required-