
Submission of Data of Teaching and Non-teaching Employees

School Education, , 👁️ 149

Officials of the Pension Cell of the Directorate may closely monitor the progress of the files till the PPO is issued. The Pension Cell should depute one or two persons to the DPPG’s office to monitor real time progress of the files.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department

Sub: Submission of data of teaching and non-teaching employees.

I am in receipt of letters from District Inspector of Schools (PE), Hill Areas of Darjeeling enclosing data of teachers who are retiring within October 2012 to October 2013.

The Directorate of School Education may enter the data in the data base being developed by them.

Officials of the Pension Cell of the Directorate may closely monitor the progress of the files till the PPO is issued. The Pension Cell should depute one or two persons to the DPPG’s office to monitor real time progress of the files. Papers for retiring Teachers which have not been forwarded, should be forwarded by the concerned D.I. of Schools immediately and the matter should be monitored, by the Pension Cell.

All other District Inspectors of Schools should submit their report failing which CSE should fix up responsibility and refer the matter to this end.

Sd/- Arnab Roy

459-SSE/12 (Uttar Dinajpur- Oct’12 – Dec’13)
439-SSE/12 (Dakshin Dinajpur- Oct’12 – oct’13)
423-SSE/12 (Darjeeling- Oct’12 – Oct’13)
401-SSE/12 (Darjeeling, Dakshin Dinajpur- Oct’12 – Oct’13)