Summer Vacation in Schools w.e.f. 2nd May, 2023

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Sector-II, DJ-8, Saltlake, Karunamoyee, Kolkata – 700 091

Memo No. D.S. (Aca)/329/A/25 Date: 13/04/2023

From: Deputy Secretary (Academic), W.B.B.S.E.

To: The Heads of all Recognised Secondary Schools

Subject- Declaring Preponement of Summer Vacation

The undersigned is directed to notify all concerned that in compliance to order no. 02/SECY/23, dtd. 13/04/23 issued by School Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal, Summer Vacation is declared in schools due to heat wave and prevailing situation on and from 2nd May, 2023 until further instructions except for the schools in hill areas of Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts, where in existing academic schedule will continue until further order.

However teaching & non-teaching staff of schools shall extend their assistance during summer vacation as and when required by respective HOIs to comply with work related to MP (SE) 2023, admission, various state scholarships etc. in the interest of the students.

Deputy Secretary (Academic)

No. DS-329 dated 13.04.2023, Source

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