
Sundarban Allowance and Risk/ Hazard Allowance

Finance, ,

Risk/ Hazard Allowance will be admissible @ Rs. 300 per month w.e.f. 01.01.2020 after ROPA, 2019.

After implementation of ROPA, 2019, Sundarban Allowance is admissible as follows:

Pay LevelAmount of Sundarban Allowance admissible per month
Level 1 & 2Rs. 40/-
Level 3 to 7Rs. 70/-
Level 8 to 11Rs. 100/-
Above Level 11Rs. 140/-

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 11136-F(P), Dated: 18.12.2009


Sub: Sundarban Allowance and Risk/Hazard Allowance.

Consequent upon the decisions taken by the Government on the recommendations of the Fifty Pay Commission, the Governor is pleased to decide that in supersession of the earlier orders relating to admissibility of Sundarban Allowance and Risk/Hazard Allowance, the State Government employees who get the benefits for posting in the Sundarban Areas or for engagement in jobs of risk/ hazard, as the case may be, henceforth will get the benefits in the following manner:-

(1) Sundarban Allowance:

Till a review is made by the Government in consultation with the Sundarban Affairs Department as regards identification of isolated and difficult areas of Sundarbans keeping in view the recent natural calamaties ‘Aila’ in those areas, the allowance may continue at the following rates as per revised pay structure:-

Pay Range in the Pay BandRates of Allowance
Rs. 10,230/- and upto Rs. 15,810/-Rs. 100/- p.m.
More than Rs. 7,440/- and upto Rs. 10,230/-Rs. 70/- p.m.
More than Rs. 5,580/- and upto Rs. 7,440/-Rs. 50/- p.m.
Rs. 5,580/- and less.Rs. 50/- p.m.

(2) Risk/Hazard Allowance:

Till a decision on special medical assistance and insurance coverage as suggested by the Pay Commission, for the employees doing jobs of risk/hazard, is arrived at the existing rate of risk/hazard allowance may be enhanced from Rs. 75/ – per month to Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two hundred fifty) only per month for all categories of employees who are now getting such allowance for work involving risk/hazard.

2. This order will take effect from the 1st December, 2009.

Sd/- S. K. Chattopadhyay
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 11136-F dated 18.12.2009

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