
Suphal Bangla – Home Delivery of Vegetables

Agriculture, 👁️ 620

Suphal Bangla project commenced through door to door selling of vegetables in mobile vans. This project ensures availability of food and nutritional security at reasonable price.


Name of the Department: Agricultural Marketing Department

Purpose of the project: The Suphal Bangla project commenced through door to door selling of vegetables in mobile vans from 29 September 2014. This project ensures availability of food and nutritional security at reasonable price, and to secure remunerative prices for growers. This will also entail development of the agricultural economy. There are 40 outlets till date. The main centre of this project is Tapasi Malik Farmers’ Mart at Singur. The project generated millions of on-farm and off-farm employment opportunity.

Who can apply: Individual farmers or group of farmers may apply for sale of product and registered Farmers Producers Limited Companies may apply for outlet management.

Contact: The Project Management Unit of the Agricultural Marketing Department of Government of West Bengal. Interested persons may also contact the head quarter of the project at Uttarapan near Bidhannagar and in case of District and Sub-divisions the concerned Agricultural Marketing Department. Website: www.sufalbangla.in


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