
Supply of Daily Newspapers to Ministers and Different Categories of Officers


The officers will have the option to either return the old newspapers or to make a deduction from the reimbursement bill at the rate of 15 percent for retaining such newspapers when supplies are received at their residences.

Organisation & Methods Branch

No. 01-O&M Date: 12.04.2022

Sub: Supply of daily newspapers at Government cost.

The supply of daily newspapers to the Ministers and different categories of Officers at Government cost were so long governed by Memo No. 07-O&M dt. 02/09/2019. After careful consideration of the current limits and the recent Re- designation of different posts, the Governor has been pleased to revise the existing GO thereby fixing the following scale and ceiling of expenditure towards supply of daily newspapers in the following manner:


SL No.Admissible toMaximum No. of NewspapersCeiling of expenditure per month (Rs.)
1.All Ministers/ Ministers of State.8 (Eight)No limit.
2.Chief Secretary8 (Eight)No limit.
3.Additional Chief Secretary.6 (Six)800.00
4.All Principal Secretaries/Secretaries/ Senior Special Secretaries/ Special Commissioners in the Departments/ Special Secretaries.3 (Three)400.00
5.All Additional Secretaries/ All Joint Secretaries.2 (Two)300.00
6.All Head of Directorates.2 (Two)300.00

This order will take immediate effect.

The officers will have the option to either return the old newspapers or to make a deduction from the reimbursement bill at the rate of 15 percent for retaining such newspapers when supplies are received at their residences.

This order will be in supersession of previous memo No. 07-O&M, dated 02/09/2019.

Principal Secretary
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 01-OM dated 12.04.2022, Source