
Suppression of Higher Qualification in Government Service

Finance, 👁️ 280

Written explanation from the erring employee would be obtained and if the reply is found satisfactory, the appointing authority may record such qualification in the service book.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 4536-F(P) Dated Kolkata, the 1st September, 2014


References have often been received from different departments for according approval to record higher qualification which was suppressed during entry in Government Service. As per standard instruction of filling up Police Verification Roll, suppression of any material information is sufficient ground for not offering appointment. Thus, such suppression detected even on later occasion is sufficient to take action against the erring employee.

Now after careful consideration of the interest of the employees, the Governor has been pleased to decide that in case of detection of such suppression, written explanation from the concerned erring employee would be obtained and if the reply is found satisfactory, the concerned appointing authority may record such qualification in the service book and consider promotion on the basis of such higher qualification subject to fulfilment of other conditions.

The Governor has been further pleased to decide that this would not be applicable in cases where higher qualification is bar for appointment to a particular post and the concerned employee had suppressed the same for getting appointment.

Sd/- A.K. Das
O.S.D. & E.O. Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 4536-F dated 01.09.2014