
Surrender of Unutilized Funds during F.Y. 2018-19

Finance, 👁️ 300

This will enable Finance Department to re-allocate the surrendered funds to those departments which require the augmentation of funds for implementation of their development & welfare programmes.


Memo No. 1480-F.B. Dated: Howrah, 16th January, 2019

Sub: Surrender of funds under State Development Schemes which are likely to remain unutilized during F.Y. 2018-19

In the meetings held on 19th – 22nd November, 2018 under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary to review the implementation of State Development Schemes, the administrative departments were requested to assess the requirement/ utilization of fund depending on the schemes being implemented and their progress during next 4 months and surrender the fund likely to remain unutilized under State Development Schemes.

This will enable Finance Department to re-allocate the surrendered funds to those departments which require the augmentation of funds for implementation of their development & welfare programmes.

The formal proposal for surrender of fund should be sent to Finance Department through e-office and not by a letter or via e-mail. The administrative departments should ensure that the fund proposed to be surrendered is available in e-bantan at department level. If the funds are lying in Directorates/ Districts, the administrative departments are requested to first withdraw the fund to their level before sending the proposal to Finance Department. Further, no fund should be sub-allotted from the heads of account for which surrender proposal has been sent to Finance Department.

It is further informed that the process of surrender of fund will be completed only when Finance Department is able to withdraw the fund electronically from the budget of the administrative department in the IFMS to its i-Budget system.

It may be mentioned here that financial performance of the departments in utilization of funds would be assessed on the net funds available with them after factoring in the augmentation and surrender of funds.

The departments are requested to surrender such unutilized fund latest by 31st January, 2019.

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary

Download No. 1480-FB dated 16.01.2019, Source

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