
Text Books (Class IX & X) by WBBME, 2016 at Discounted Price

Madrasah Education,

All Booksellers/ Agencies/ Authority of Madrasah/ Individual are informed that the Text Books of classes IX & X published by WBBME will be available by depositing cash amount through challan at the sales counter of Board by 20% rebate.

West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
‘Begum Rokaiya Bhavan’
19, Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata – 16.


All Booksellers/ Agencies/ Authority of Madrasah/ Individual are informed that the Text Books of classes IX & X as mentioned below published by WBBME for academic session 2016 will be available by depositing cash amount through challan at the sales counter of Board by 20% rebate. The Books are:

For class IX –

  1. Bangla Byakaran O Nirmiti
  2. Arbi Path (High Madrasah)
  3. Arbi Path (Sr. Madrasah)
  4. Islam Parichay (High Madrasah)
  5. Islamer Itihas.

For class X –

  1. Arbi Path (High Madrasah)
  2. Arbi Path (Sr. Madrasah)
  3. Islam Parichay (High Madrasah)
  4. Islamer Itihas.

For details, please contact West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education during office hours.

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

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