
Time Limit for Rendering Services by School Education Department

School Education,

Duplicate/ Correction of Mark sheet/Admit Card/ Certificate (Secondary/HS), Migration Certificate, Admission (Primary/ Secondary), Inspection and DLIT report regarding recognition/ NOC of School.

School Education Department

No. 1829-ES/Adm/10M-43/13 date: 06.10.2015.


In exercise of the power conferred by section 3 of the West Bengal Right to Public Service Act, 2013, the Governor is pleased to notify the services along with the stipulated time limit for rendering the services, the Designed Officers responsible for providing the services, the Appellate Officer and the Reviewing Officer as follows:-

Sl. No.ServicesDesignated OfficerStipulated Time LimitAppellate Officer – DesignationStipulated time limitReviewing Officer – DesignationStipulated time limit
1Duplicate Mark sheet/Admit Card/ Certificate (Secondary/HS)Dy. Secy (WBBSE/ WBCHSE)15 daysSecretary (WBBSE/ WBCHSE)50 daysAdministrator/ President (WBBSE/ WBCHSE)30 days
2Correction of Mark sheet/Admit Card/ Certificate (Secondary/HS)Dy. Secy (WBBSE/ WBCHSE)30 daysSecretary (WBBSE/ WBCHSE)30 daysAdministrator/ President (WBBSE/ WBCHSE)30 days
3Migration Certificate (Secondary/HS)Dy. Secy WBBSE/ WBCHSE)15 daysSecretary (WBBSE/ WBCHSE)30 daysAdministrator/ President (WBBSE/ WBCHSE)30 days
4Admission (Primary/ Secondary) (Guardian or student may apply for admission and concerned District Inspector of Schools will arrange for admission in any neighbourhood school within one k.m./ two k.m. from the residence of the student as per RTE norm)District Inspector of Schools (Primary Education/ Secondary Education)30 daysDeputy Director of School Education30 daysJoint Director of School Education30 days
5Inspection and DLIT report regarding recognition/ NOC of SchoolDistrict Inspector of Schools (Primary Education/ Secondary Education)45 days for preliminary hearing of the applicant, 60 days for District Level Inspection Team (DLIT) to submit report to Commissioner of School EducationCommissioner of School Education30 daysHead of the Department30 days

(Abbreviations: WBBSE – West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, WBCHSE – West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education)

This notification shall come into effect on the date of publication the official Gazette in cancellation of the previous notification No. 162-JS/ES/Adm/10M-43/2013 dt. 22.11.2013.

By order of the Governor,

Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

No. 1829-ES dated 06.10.2015, Source

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