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I have joined to the post of Veterinary Officer under the A.R.D.Deptt, Govt. of West Bengal on 30-12-2009 in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 15600-42000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- i.e. Pay Band 4A (pre-revised Scale of Pay of Rs. 8000-13500) through P.S.C of West Bengal Govt. Before joining this post, I had been an employee of Jalpaiguri Krishi Vigyan Kendra, under West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences (W.B.U.A.F.S.) for the period from 2001 to 29.12.2009 holding the post of Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Science) in the revised Scale of Pay of Rs. 15600-39100 Pay Band-4 (pre-revised Scale of Pay of Rs. 8000-13500).
It was mentioned in the P.S.C. Advertisement for the present post that the candidates serving under Govt. / Statutory body / Govt. undertaking have to inform their Head of the Office / Department in writing that they are applying for this post. Accordingly, I informed my Head of the Office in writing and before the interview my employer issued me a N.O.C. for appearing the same. Besides, the University Authority released me from previous post of Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Science) of Jalpaiguri Krishi Vigyan Kendra on 29.12.2009 in the afternoon so as to enable me to join my new assignment to the Veterinary Officer under the A.R.D. Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
Now my question is that: 1) can I get the benefit of pay protection in terms of rule 42A (5) of the W.B.S.R., Part-I? Because I am getting at present less Gross Salary than the last job’s gross salary. 2) Whether my past service will be counted for increment and other benefits in terms of rule 42A(1) of the W.B.S.R., Part-I?
Re: Can I get Pay Protection & Benefit of Counting Past Serv
Kindly refer to your appointment letter which contains the terms & conditions including fixation of pay in present govt. service. Pay protection means protection of basic pay (pay in PB & GP) and not protection of gross salary (“Yield”).
Counting of past service is sensu stricto related to the pensionary benefits and, does not always extend the benefits of protection of pay. It depends on the extant rules of the service concerned.
Pay Protection in terms of Rule 42A(5) of WBSR-I
I have joined to the post of Veterinary Officer under the Animal Resource Development Department, Govt. of West Bengal on 30-12-2009 in the Scale of Pay of Rs 15600-42000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- through P.S.C of West Bengal Govt. Before joining this post, I had been an employee of West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences (W.B.U.A.F.S.) for the period from 15.10.2001 to 29.12.2009 in the Pay Scale 15600-39100. My previous employer issued me N.O.C. for appearing the interview and technically released me from previous post so as to enable me to join my new assignment to the Veterinary Officer under the A.R.D. Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
Now my question is that: 1) can I get the benefit of pay protection in terms of rule 42A (5) of the W.B.S.R., Part-I?
Re: Can I get Pay Protection & Benefit of Counting Past Serv
As regards past service count you may have a look to the discussion on the topic below. Though those center around Central Govt or its undertaking employees. https://wbxpress.com/topic/counting-of-past-central-govt-service/
Re: Can I get Pay Protection & Benefit of Counting Past Serv
Since you got the new appointment in the state govt. veterinary service in proper official manner your basic pay (band pay + GP) will always be protected. Rule 42A(5) provides the manner of pay fixation on assumption of duties and responsibilities of similar importance when an employee changes job from a Central/ other State Govt./Educational Institution to a WB Govt. organisation.
“(5) When an employee of the Central or other State Government/ Educational Institution including a body incorporate or not, which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government, is appointed to a post under this Government carrying duties and responsibilities similar to those attached to the post held on substantive, officiating or temporary basis by the said employee immediately before joining the appointment under this Government irrespective of any categorization of the said post under that organization, his initial pay shall be fixed at the stage of the time scale which is equal to his pay in the old post, or if there is no such stage, the stage next below that pay plus personal pay equal to the difference, to be absorbed in subsequent increases in pay in the new post under this Government.”
It’s a big question that whether your duties & responsibilities in present state govt. service are SIMILAR to those attached to your previous post or not! You have not mentioned the GP last drawn by you in PB 15600-39100 in Jalpaiguri Krishi Vigyan Kendra! It seems that your previous GP was Rs 5400. YOUR PAY WILL BE PROTECTED ONLY AND NOT YOUR SALARY. Anyway, I repeat, pls see the provisions of pay fixation mentioned in your appointment letter – this is very vital. Under which rule your pay has been fixed in new service? Where is the doubt?
Re: Can I get Pay Protection & Benefit of Counting Past Serv
Thanks for the job you have done for me. After joining in the new post my starting basic pay was Rs. 21000/- (Band Pay -15600 + Grade Pay – 5400) which was less from the last basic pay of my previous post which was Rs. 25150/- (Last Band Pay -19750 + Grade Pay – 5400). However I am herewith submitting the copy of PSC Advertisement,, NOC from Employer, Appointment Letter, Release Order from previous Employer and my Prayer for Pay fixation to the new employer as attachment for your reference and necessary advice please.
Re: Can I get Pay Protection & Benefit of Counting Past Serv
Dear Dr. Hui,
I have gone through your documents. I presume that you were confirmed in your previous organisation as you rendered service for about 8 years! You are eligible to get pay protection in PB-4a in new state govt. service. Wait to get reply to your prayer for pay fixation. What is your present office telling?
Anyway, the concept of ‘stage’ in pre-revised scale structure has been practically abolished with introduction of the concept of RUNNING pay band.
With regards.
Re: Can I get Pay Protection & Benefit of Counting Past Serv
Thank you very much for the time you are spending for me. My present office has not yet replied me regarding my prayer for pay fixation. I consulted the matter with some of my friends working in the district treasury office. They are also telling me that I will certainly get the pay protection. But some others are telling that my new post under the state government is a fresh one and my appointment is a direct one from the open market and for this reason I may not get the pay protection in the new and fresh service. In this direction, your answer inspired me. However, if you advice me to take further consultancy in this matter from any other senior Audit and Accountant or any Lawyer specialized in service related matter, I am ready to do it. Further I will be in contact with you whenever my present office replied me.
Re: Can I get Pay Protection & Benefit of Counting Past Serv
……But some others are telling that my new post under the state government is a fresh one and my appointment is a direct one from the open market and for this reason I may not get the pay protection in the new and fresh service. …
I strongly contradict! You are a direct recruit through fresh PSC selection, and NOT treated as a ‘fresh recruit’ as you have record of past service in a govt. educational organisation. The question of pay protection arises for direct recruitment of a govt./semi-govt. employee in other govt. service through open competition. It is not related to normal promotion in the same service! Moreover, pls see the text of rule 42A(5) which is meant for open selection (direct recruit) of employees working in Central/ other State Govt./Educational Institutions for appointment in Govt. of WB services.
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Re: Can I get Pay Protection & Benefit of Counting Past Serv
Dear Dr Majumdar,
Many many thanks for giving so much perseverance in detailing my problem and making us knowledgeable in this point. This post actually reduced my anxiety a lot.