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Women are bound to obey various customs.But is it really necessary for them to change their surname after their marriage?If one decide to stick to her paternal surname,will she face some legal problem in future?If registration of marraige is done with Hindu marriage Act,1954,change of surname is compulsory?
Question No. 1. Is it really necessary for them to change their surname after their marriage?
Ans: Not mandatory and necessary but she should also not change the paternal surname in any record like bank pass book, voters I/Card, Ration Card etc.
Question No. 2. If one decide to stick to her paternal surname, will she face some legal problem in future?
Ans. : No.
Question 3. If registration of marraige is done with Hindu marriage Act,1954,change of surname is compulsory?
Ans: I dont thinks so. Lets see what our other friends say.
The relivant Govt. Order is posted below for your further reference.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 3990-F Kolkata. the 4th May. 2005
In Suppression of F.D. Memo No. 1114-F, dated 04/04/1966, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that after careful consideration the Governor has been pleased to lay down the following procedures for change of name and surname of a State Government employee.
I. All cases of addition / deletion or change in name / surname:
i) A State Government employee wishing to adopt a new name or to effect any modification in his / her existing name may do so, formally by a Deed changing his /her name. The sample Deed form is enclosed.
ii) The execution of the Deed should be followed by publication of the change in a daily local newspaper as well as in the Kolkata Gazette. The expenses incurred out of this publication should be borne by the employee himself / herself.
II. Addition / change in surname only. On account of marriage / remarriage of a female Government employee:
The following requirements may be met for this purpose:
i) If the Government employee desires a change, she should give a formal intimation to her appointing authority of her marriage and request for a change in her surname.
ii) Particulars of the husband may be given for making necessary entries in the Service Book.
III. Deletion of Surname or reversion to maiden name on divorce / separation or death of the husband of female Government employee:
Changes may be permitted if a female Government employee gives:
i) an intimation to the appointing authority regarding change in marital status; and
ii) a formal request for reversion to her maiden name.
Note: There is no prescribed form for items II & III.
Sd/- P.K. Dasgupta
Special Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
Finance Department.
Click the link below to download prescribed form:
Source: https://wbxpress.com/change-of-surname/