that 9 days leave should be “leave as without pay”. i think you have got the salary for those days. now you have to apply to the m.c seeking leave as without pay for those days and after the approval by the m.c you have to refund the money with interest to the govt .salary fund. all the above fact should be noted in your service book.
can any leave is admissible in relation to AADHAR CARD Phptograph? Being a Government project there should be provision for leave for this. Can any body help?
my brother is a assistant teacher of a school, joined 9th November, 2011. his all casual leaves had been completed…is he applicable for advance medical leave? please reply.
im an asstt teacher in a govt aided school. im preparing for the NET 2012 DEc exam. i hv a son of one year of age. i want to have a leave from school for a period of two months or so for a full-fledged preparation for NET. how can i manage the leave? i mean, is there any possibility of getting a leave for the said tenure in my situation? pls reply.
thank you.
I’m a Bengal Govt Asst Teacher of a secondary school for last five yrs. I’m going through infertility treatment, which is requiring sufficient time, care, rest and dedication with inordinate uncertainty. I have consumed all my leaves so far, nothing’s left. In this condition, I need leave. Can I have Extraordinary Leave for this particular case ? Is there any GO on this subject ? How can I proceed to apply to the MC for this case ? May plz help asap if you can.
i have joined govt department. As i am studying now I need at least 5 months leave . I was heard that mere representation is enough. But they are insisting on staying back till i get the leave. What to do?