Dear friend, you are eligible for incremental benefit for Ph.D. degree. With issuance of few High Court orders in recent time it is now not a matter of consideration that whether the degree was awarded before or after the Controller of Expenditure Act,2005 coming into effect (i.e. before or after the 18th August,2005). The G.O. dated 05.01.2012 that created embargo to the grant of increments to teachers acquiring PhD degree after enactment of the said act has been set aside by the court. See the court orders in Writ Petition No. WP 4532(W) of 2012 dated 04.07.2012 (Moniruzzaman case) and WP No. 6937(W) of 2007 dated 01.06.2012 (see reproductions attached herewith). So, you have legitimate claim for addl. increments if other conditions are satisfied. Best wishes. W.P. No. 4532(W)_on_4_July,_2012.pdf W.P. No. 4532(W)_on_4_July,_2012.pdf W.P. No. 6937 (W) dtd01.06.2012.pdf W.P. No. 6937 (W) dtd01.06.2012.pdf