Public Works, Transfer đī¸ 717
An Officer having 5 years or more at the same Head Quarters will be liable to transfer to another Zone but after completion of 3 years at the present places of posting.
1. i) Transfer and posting of Assistant Engineers, Executive Engineers and Superintending Engineers should normally be made after 3 (Three) years. Movement of the Engineer Officers so transferred shall on their part in the interest of Public Service.
ii) For some difficult areas and Zone – D, transfer may be considered after 2 (Two) years against prayer.
iii) Orders of Routine transfer shall normally be issued by 1st week of April of every year.
iv) An Officer who has completed 2 (two) years 9 (nine) months on 31st March of the year will be considered for Routine transfer.
v) An Officer having 5 (five) years or more at the same Head Quarters will be liable to transfer to another Zone but after completion of 3 (three) years at the present places of posting.
vi) An Officer must serve least once in Zone – D in his service career (for Civil Wing) and Zone – C (for Electrical/ Mechanical Wing).
Transfer will generally be made from one Zone to Zone each tenure even if it be inter Directorate.
Inter Directorate transfer will be effected normally after period of 6 (six) years.
An Engineer Officer must serve at least one term of three years in Planning/ Design/ Resources/ Monitoring Work at each level of Assistant Engineer and Executive Engineer.
2. The transfer after normal tenure may be deferred for a maximum period of one year in case of extreme exigencies on the following grounds.
i) In the interest of Government works.
ii) In case of Secondary/ Higher Secondary/ Degree Examinations of the Children/ Wards of the Officers and who are living with their parents.
iii) Serious illness of any member of the family of the Officers.
3. Engineer Officers should deserve appropriate consideration for getting a suitable posting preferably in home District/ District having permanent residence, two years prior to retirement if desired so.
4. Posting in the post of Executive Engineer – I from the post of Executive Engineer – II & T. A. to Superintending Engineer will be made I general in order of seniority.
5. An Office Bearer of any Association, whose transfer is due, will not be transferred for the year under consideration but he may be transferred during the next year even if re-elected.
6. i) All relevant factors should be considered during placement on deputation.
ii) Deputation should be considered as transfer and shall be made for one tenure.
7. An Officer transferred/ deputed to a post having financial benefit, should be repatriated after three years.
8. An up-to-date bio-data card incorporating all dates of transfer and all places of posting shall be maintained for all Engineer Officers.
9. Competent Authority reserves the right to transfer any Engineer Officers any time before completion of the tenure of normal posting on administrative reasons.
There will be 4 (Four) Zones comprising the entire State Cadre (Civil Wing) in order to facilitate transfer and posting namely Zone: A (Comprising the Districts of Calcutta, Howrah, Hooghly, North 24Parganas and South 24 Parganas.), Zone: B (Comprising the Districts of Murshidabad, Nadia, Burdwan & Birbhum.), Zone: C (Comprising the Districts of Midnapore, Bankura & Purulia.), Zone: D (Comprising the Districts of Uttar Dinajpur, Dakshin Dinajpur, Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar & Malda.)
ii) There will be 3 (three) zones comprising the entire State Cadre of Electrical/ Mechanical Wing in order to facilitate transfer & posting. namely Zone: A (Calcutta, 24Parganas (North and South), Howrah.), Zone: B (Hooghly, Burdwan, Midnapore, Birbhum, Purulia, Nadia, Bankura, Murshidabad.), Zone: C (Cooch Behar, Jalpaiguri, Darjeeling, Uttar Dinajpur, Dakshin Dinajpur, Malda.)
Note: Officer having permanent residence in any district or any and posted there shall be treated as having been posted at zone.
Reference: No. 566-E (PW/O/E-1/2T-3/99) Dated: 10.04.2000 of PWD, Establishment Branch