Government of West Bengal
School Education Department, Law Branch
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091
No. 996-SE (Law)/PL/5S-74/12 Date: 15.06.2012
In continuation to this Department’ s Notification No. 277-SE (P) /10M- 6/09 (Pt-1) dated 28.03.2012 on the minimum academic and professional qualification of the primary school teachers in view of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, the undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to clarify as follows:-
1. Primary school teachers appointed after 03.09.2001 having B. Ed or equivalent qualification should obtain 6 months Special Training to be conducted with the approval of the National Council for Teacher Education.
2. Primary school teachers appointed after 03.09.2001 with graduation in any stream in any stream from any UGC Recognised university are not required to upgrade their percentage of marks upto 50% obtained by them in HS Examination.
3. Primary school teachers appointed after 03.09.2001 but upto 31.12.2005 having Madhyamik or equivalent qualification with 1 year PTT certificate conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education may not be required to obtain HS Pass Certificate with 50% marks as per Note – 2 of the First Schedule to the NCTE (Determination of Minimum Qualifications for Recruitment of Teachers in Schools) Regulations, 2001 published in terms of F. No. 9-2/2001/NCTE dated 03.09.2001. However, the matter has been referred to the NCTE for confirmation. Till such confirmation is received, it will be better for such teachers to register themselves for up gradation of academic qualification as a matter of abundant caution.
4. Primary school teachers appointed after 03.09.2001 and having PTT or equivalent qualification obtained before 1st July, 1995 are not required to upgrade their training qualification.
5. Primary school teachers appointed after 03.09.2001 under SC/ST/PH/EC category will get relaxation of 5% marks in HS Examination. In such cases, primary school teachers with 45% in H.S. Examination need not upgrade their academic qualification and can register themselves for up gradation of professional training qualification under D.El.Ed.
6. Those Primary school teachers who are appointed after 03.09.2001 but will retire by 31.03.2015 are not required to upgrade their academic qualification and professional qualification mandatorily. But such primary school teachers will not be allowed ‘A’ category Scale of Pay till they obtain professional qualification.
7. Primary school teachers appointed after 03.09.2001 having 2 years PTT training duly recognised by National Council for Teacher Education obtained from other States of India are not required to upgrade training qualification.
8. The question whether the primary school teachers who possess neither academic qualification upto IT. S nor training qualification can be allowed to enroll themselves for upgradation of percentage of marks upto 50% in H.S or equivalent Examination and for acquiring D. El. Ed, simultaneously through ODL mode has been referred to both NCTE as well as MHRD, Government of India as there is now inadequate time for both acquiring these academic and professional qualification by one within the statutory time limit of 31.03.2015. The decision of Government of India will be intimated as soon as the same is received. But for the present all such teachers are requested to register themselves for obtaining both these qualifications simultaneously.
9. Old HS Course (Class XI standard) are to be treated as equivalent to HS (+2) course.
10. Upgradation of qualification in respect of the para-teachers is not mandatorily required. However, for sake of future application for appointment as primary school teachers they may register themselves for upgradation of academic qualification and professional qualification as the case may be.
11. Primary school teachers appointed before 03.09.2001 haying Madhyamik or equivalent qualification with 1 year PTT certificate conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education on empanelment are eligible to be promoted as Head Teacher subject to seniority and other statutory conditions. Regarding such teachers who have similar qualification but appointed between 04.09.2001 to 31.12.2005 decision of NCTE is awaited.
12. The fess for upgradation of academic qualification or professional qualification for the in service teachers are not expected to exceed Rs. 6000/- (Rupees Six Thousand only) per annum per course excluding examination fees. However, the actual cost shall be determined by the concerned authority from where the incumbent will undergo training to upgrade his/her academic qualification or professional qualification or both.
Sd/- Samar Ghosh
Jt. Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal
No. 996-SE dated 15.06.2012
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