please check the following order first:
As he has forgone the promotion in writing and it has been recorded in the service book, his prayer may not be considered by the higher office.
please mention whether the denial of promotion was recorded in the service book?
we migrated from old forum data into new technology and during the process unfortunately we lost lot of user data accidentally, those lost users are marked as unknown user. sorry for the technical problem. henceforth nobody is posting as unknown user.
As per my understanding you need 5 different types of excel utility having different functionalities.
I would suggest the following for each case:-
1. Create a Google Form to collect necessary data from user input and save the data submitted through google form in a Google sheet. From the Google sheet you can sort, find etc. from the database.
2. Create a Google sheet with an auto increment column for Memo No.
3. This is also can easily achieved using google sheet.
4. Create google sheet with necessary columns e.g. employee name, DOB, DOJ, Designation, Scale of Pay, Increment, Nominations, leave etc.
5. Google sheet here also can be used to maintain cash book register.
I personally use google sheet to save lot of information so that i can easily access it through various devices online.
please go through the following:-
necessary correction has been made. please check if it is working perfectly now. thank you once again for your contribution.
thank you indrajit for your valuable feedback. you are right. necessary correction will be made shortly.
Hope it helps.
Here it is:-